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    Family Secrets (Ch. 5)

                    The article was accompanied by a picture of Aiden holding a baby that looked to be almost a year, and looked just like Aiden. He had curly black hair and Aiden’s green eyes. You would have to be blind to not see the resemblance between them. A woman with straight blonde hair was sitting beside them on the couch, staring at the two adoringly. The way that she was practically on Aiden’s lap and the look she had on her face made it obvious that they were more than friends. I could hardly believe it, and the first thought in my mind was that the picture was obviously fake; but then the professional side of me kicked in and I knew that Emma wouldn’t have let the article run unless she believed without a doubt that the story was true.

                    I read quickly through the article, my heart beating in my ears. There were some more pictures of the couple and baby, each more showing than the others. They appeared to be in a cabin of some sort, though obviously a lot of money had gone into it. Aiden was usually holding the baby, but if the woman was holding him then Aiden was close by, usually with his arm slung around the tall, gorgeous woman.

    Apparently the woman was tired of hiding their child, and was ready for Aiden to step up and be a real father to the little boy. She had been Aiden’s mistress for nearly three years and had been overjoyed when she found out that she was pregnant with his child, convinced that he would divorce Spencer and marry her instead so that he could be a real father to their child. After a few months though it became obvious that that wasn’t going to happen though, so she threatened to go to the press. Aiden apparently gave the woman almost ten million dollars to keep quiet though. After Christmas though, she decided that money didn’t matter nearly as much as her baby having a father. After contacting Aiden though, he refused once again to leave Spencer so she followed up on her promise to go to the press, hoping that after Spencer found out that she could finally be with Aiden. I could hardly believe the story as I read it two more times before finally calling Emma back.

                    “You do realize that you can’t actually send this out, right?” I said, by way of greeting. “You’ll have lawsuits out the ass.”

                    “They can’t sue us if it’s the truth,” She answered.

                    “Listen, this will ruin Aiden, you do realize that? This will blow up ten times more than that whole Tiger Woods thing.”

                    “I told you, we’re running this tomorrow and nothing will stop us, so stop trying. And if you’re interested in keeping your job I wouldn’t tip of your family just yet.” With that she hung up and I let out a curse as my head dropped to the desk below me. The front door opened and Glen came through, loaded down with grocery bags. He blew his bangs out of his eyes and smiled at me, looking so carefree that it almost broke my heart. I wondered what he would do when this hit the public.

                    “Hey baby, I’m making you dinner! Spaghetti and meatballs! And guess what? I dropped Melena off at my parents so it’s just you and me tonight. I’ve missed our alone time,” He called, dropping the bags on the counter and beginning to unpack them. “And I bought your favorite wine, and rented that Katherine Hepburn movie you were talking about last week so we could watch it after we eat, or during; whichever you prefer.” I hesitated for just a second, wondering if I should tell him. “Tonight is your night baby doll; whatever you want will be yours.” He said this in a cheesy accent and I couldn’t help but chuckle, standing up and shutting my laptop. There was no need to ruin everything when we could do nothing to stop it, I reasoned as I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around my husband who was still rambling on about all the things we could do that night. One last night of peace would do us both good.


    1. Man shit’s about to hit the fan for real! And I always give you 5 stars so I don’t know the lame ass people only giving you 4. Anyway, great update and can’t wait to read more and find out what’s going to happen!

    2. oh hell yea! this is gonna get soo freaking insanely good that I’m literally bouncing in my seat. not that is isn’t good already, I believe I have told you more than once how addicted I am, and this is so 5 star material so I have no idea what the haters are thinking. keep at it because it’s fucking awesome!

    3. I was only able to read the 1st pg of ch1, before getting sidetracked for awhile. I really liked it though. I’ve been wanting to cath up and now I am! I agree w/ all the good things every1 has said.This is really well thought out, interesting,full of suspence,and just plain creative! Keep it up! Oh, and the “That’s what she said” line in the A/N was funny also!

    4. I personally think this story is always worth 5 stars, so I don’t know what to tell you except that this story is amazing, and I can’t wait to find out what the heck is going on! Please pms!!!

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