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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Lakme)

    She was good, this Doctor Carlin. The medical facility was clearly that of a backwater, and Ashley suspected it lacked a lot of modern equipment a central hospital would have. Nonetheless, Spencer had her arm patched up in no time whatsoever. And it had stopped hurting which to Ashley was the major bonus.


    Also, having to fix Ashley’s arm had forced the blonde to stand very, very close to the tousle haired brunette. From here, Ashley could sense a hint of the raspberry scented shampoo that Spencer used and got a damn good look at the delicate curve of her neck. It looked soft, white and rather bitable. Spencer’s head was ducked down so she missed the quick show of Ashley practically salivating over it. Probably a good thing.


    “All done,” she said softly, pressing down on the last bandage. The brush of her fingers on Ashley’s arm sent shivers up and caused the hairs to stand on end.


    “Thanks,” Ashley said, and smiled.


    “You’re welcome,” a blush was creeping up Spencer’s cheeks. Ashley had no idea where it came from but she liked it. She added it to her mental list of things to get Spencer to do: cross her arms and blush.


    Spencer stood back, and turned around, facing the opposite way to Ash who jumped down off the bench. As she shucked on her coat, shrugging the shoulders into a comfortable position, she watched the blonde tidy up her supplies. From this angle, there was a perfect view of a perfect ass. Ash grinned.


    Then Spencer turned around. Ashley managed to get her eyes about a metre upward of where they’d been gazing but the grin was still plastered across her face.


    “What?” Spencer asked.




    “You’re grinning.” Spencer pointed out. “It’s suspicious.”


    “Aw, I’m not suspicious!” Ashley promised with another winning smile.


    Spencer snorted. “Yeah, and I’m from the twentieth century.”


    “Well golly gee” Ashley said with mock surprise, “You’re mighty well preserved then.”


    It made Spencer giggle and look at her feet with a goofy grin on her face. That shouldn’t have made Ashley’s insides quiver but it did.


    ‘Christ Davies you have GOT to get laid’

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    1. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    2. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    3. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    4. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    5. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

    6. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

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