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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Madam Butterfly)

    “What are you doing here?” Spencer couldn’t believe her eyes. “You left.”


    “Told you I’d come back,” Ashley said with a wicked smile, while sunning herself on the rock.


    “But how?” Spencer was amazed. While she knew that Ashley intended to return, she had no idea she’d see her so soon.


    “What the officials on your little planet don’t know won’t hurt them,” Ashley said with a wink.


    The sheer exultation that Spencer felt in her soul at the presence of the brunette was amazing. She’d never been so relieved in her life.


    Grinning like a fool she sat down on the rock next to Ashley and shouldered her playfully. “You really did come back.”


    “I always keep my word cutie pie,” the brunette flirted.


    Spencer blushed. She couldn’t help it. There was a slight temptation to rail against the nickname because it was so cutesy and teasing, but it would only encourage the other girl.


    “So, how long are you hiding out here?” Spencer asked, trying to keep it a casual enquiry.


    “Till I’ve done all the repairs I wanted to.” The brunette replied, lying back on the rock and throwing and arm across her eyes. She was wearing a simple black top and the action made it ride up. Spencer took one look at the brunette’s abs and swallowed. Holy mother of lambs, that was sexy.


    “So,” she tried to distract herself. “Where did you park your ship?”


    “Land, it’s called landing a ship. And up the ridge a bit, behind some hills.” Ashley replied.


    “Sorry, LAND.” Spencer poked the girl in the side, laughing. How could she go from being so upset to being so happy in such a short space of time? Whatever was under her skin, she liked it. She liked the feeling it was causing inside her, and the bursting at the seams, wanting to break out and sing effect.


    “See, your dinky little planet couldn’t keep me out,” Ashley grinned.


    “No thanks to my mother,” Spencer glared at the sky, and then some rocks, although they were mostly blameless.


    “Your mother?” that one got Ashley to sit up.

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    1. Damnit Spencer, that was cruel. I loved this chapter nonetheless. There’s just something about spashley in space that makes me smile. And the frequency of your updates, that makes me smile too :D

    2. Damn!!! That was wrong! Get a kid all hot and bothered and then… wait I’m straight…n/m Anyway what the heck is Spencer scared of mind-blowing sex??? She’s spent too much time on a church planet… Ash needs to get her back in that captain’s chair!!! Take her flying for real! Really make her soar ;) More please REALLY SOON!

    3. ughhhh. theres that scared little girl popping up at the MOST in opportune time…cripes. damn you fear. DAMN YOU! and pretty sure that the world, my dear clomle, does in fact revolve around you. deek’s just jealous. actually, now that i think about it…you’re pretty much the center of the universe! huh, congrats on that!! such a feat is something most only dream of. bah, amazing update as always.

    4. Damnit Spencer, that was cruel. I loved this chapter nonetheless. There’s just something about spashley in space that makes me smile. And the frequency of your updates, that makes me smile too :D

    5. Damn!!! That was wrong! Get a kid all hot and bothered and then… wait I’m straight…n/m Anyway what the heck is Spencer scared of mind-blowing sex??? She’s spent too much time on a church planet… Ash needs to get her back in that captain’s chair!!! Take her flying for real! Really make her soar ;) More please REALLY SOON!

    6. ughhhh. theres that scared little girl popping up at the MOST in opportune time…cripes. damn you fear. DAMN YOU! and pretty sure that the world, my dear clomle, does in fact revolve around you. deek’s just jealous. actually, now that i think about it…you’re pretty much the center of the universe! huh, congrats on that!! such a feat is something most only dream of. bah, amazing update as always.

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