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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Marriage of Figaro)

    The rain of the day had left the skies sodden and gray. They should have been empty by now, but each cloud was threatening to let go its load again; just hovering to drench the landscape and heighten the fierce colours of the evening.


    Spencer managed to escape the hospital in between the torrential downpours. There were trickles of mud and water scurrying down the gutters of the streets and making each patch a dark slippery void to be carefully traversed. She hurried towards the space port, hoping to get there before the weather caught up with her and ruined the prospects of the evening.

    Ashley was coming to dinner.


    At first her mother had been surprised. Spencer had never invited anyone home before, let alone a ‘friend’. Of course, Paula would have been overjoyed had it been a date but a friend would do in a pinch.


    ‘How little you suspect mother’ Spencer thought wryly.


    Then Paula had woken up a little and started asking questions. It would be an understatement to say that she wasn’t amused. Spencer was bringing someone to dinner, and that someone turned out to be a female space captain with a junk pile for a craft and no known pedigree. She’d cajoled, she’d begged, she’d banned, she’d involved her husband but she didn’t seem to have any effect on Spencer who’d just smiled sweetly and offered to cook.


    In the end, Spencer suspected it was her mothers curiosity that got the better of her. And so Ashley was coming to dinner.


    The threat of rain abated as the blonde reached the space port in a hurried stride. As she hit the tarmac where the Ashley’s craft was situated, the clouds parted a little, revealing a slender thread of sunshine.


    The bounty of water from the sky had washed some of the grime off the outside of the ship. It hadn’t made it look any better, but now you could see the dirt a little easier. The layer of filth that had hidden the uncleanliness so well had been thoughtfully washed away, leaving the grime for all to see. Spencer couldn’t help grin. It was such a forlorn piece of machinery, but Ashley clearly loved it and that made Spencer warm to it as well.

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    1. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    2. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    3. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    4. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    5. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    6. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    7. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    8. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    9. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    10. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    11. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

    12. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

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