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    Forever & Today – (Chapter: Welcome to the City of Angels)

                It’s a bittersweet sight to see the two of them holding hands, Dad and her.  Part of me wants to slap her, my own mother… for everything she’s done to him.  And then another side of me wants to yell at him for being so freaking forgiving when she doesn’t even deserve it.  But then… the bigger part is happy because no matter what they are still my parents.  I just don’t get how my mother could screw up the best thing in her life for some random dick.  It seems so… out of character for her.  I remember when she was my hero, and I wanted to be exactly like her.  It’s amazing how things change…


                “Spence!  Wake up, dude!”  Glen said, kicking me.


                “What the hell, Glen!”


                “Look out your window…”


                Wow… it was dusk in the most beautiful setting I’ve ever seen.  The last traces of glowing sun reflected off the sides of mirrored buildings and the city lights felt oddly refreshing, but more oddly than that… welcoming.  Who knows… maybe L.A. won’t be that bad, after all.  Or maybe I’m judging a book by it’s cover. 

                As soon as the beauty began, it seemed to end as we drove into the suburban parts and up into a two car driveway belonging to one of those picture perfect homes with a lustrous green lawn and sidewalk out front; real stepfordville esque.  Kind of makes you want to vomit, right?

                Turns out unpacking is my sole reason for never wanting to move again.  It was absolutely horrible, mostly because once the TV was hooked up and the couch set up in front of it… Glen disappeared, and Paula, or mom or whatever I’m supposed to call her, didn’t want to break an effing nail.  Yea… welcome to my life.  I’ve got to be adopted, but no… Clay’s the lucky one in that department.  Sometimes I wonder if we’d be a lot more like a family if it was just Dad, Clay and I.  I mean… I love Glen, but at times I doubt whether he really gives a shit about anyone but himself, and then there’s my… mom.  But you know what…?  I’m done wishing life were different.  This is what I’ve got, so I might as well make the most of it.

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    1. i like it…to say the least…so i wouldn’t be exaggerating if i said i want you to post more now!! please dont make ashley out to be a cheerbitch or worse a nerd…i mean…that’s just not ashley….spence and ash should meet in detention or something. then again…it’s your story…not mine! i have LOTS and LOTS of ideas….but im just not much of a writer , so i just read :p……anyways…….i think im done babbling…..for now….;)post more!

    2. i like it…to say the least…so i wouldn’t be exaggerating if i said i want you to post more now!! please dont make ashley out to be a cheerbitch or worse a nerd…i mean…that’s just not ashley….spence and ash should meet in detention or something. then again…it’s your story…not mine! i have LOTS and LOTS of ideas….but im just not much of a writer , so i just read :p……anyways…….i think im done babbling…..for now….;)post more!

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