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    Forgive me this Christmas

    “I had them celebrate Christmas tonight for me, so that I could spend time with you.” Spencer put the pillow back behind her then stood up, and stared at Ashley. “Can you forgive me? I’m sorry for what I said I…” Spencer’s words were cut off.

    Ashley closed the distance and pressed her lips hard against Spencer’s. After a few moments, Ashley pulled away from the blonde and smiled. “I forgive you.” She kissed Spencer softly and lovingly this time. Ashley felt Spencer’s hands on the small of her back. She let out a soft sigh as their lips parted reluctantly. Ashley rested her head against Spencer’s “So then what about us, if we’re here and not at your parent’s house.”

    Spencer smiled as her fingers came up to the dark blue blouse that she somehow managed to get Ashley to wear. One by one the blonde unbuttoned each button until the shirt lay open showing off Ashley’s toned stomach and black laced bra.

    Ashley could see Spencer’s eyes darken in their blue color. A smile played along Ashley’s mouth as she watched Spencer’s complete boldness. Never was Spencer the first one to undress Ashley. Rolling her shoulders back, Ashley slipped off the shirt, letting it drop to the floor right where she stood. “Well has someone been needing me today?” Tell me Spence, does it drive you crazy to not touch me all the time, to hear me scream.” Ashley watched as Spencer’s facial expressions changed with every word she spoke. “It drives me crazy Spencer, how the images play in my head…” Ashley moved her body closer to Spencer’s as her hands slid under the shirt that closed off the blonde’s body from sight. Ashley’s hand ran across the smooth skin hearing Spencer’s breathing intake quickly and sigh. “I keep seeing your body underneath mine. My hands on your hips rocking them back and forth against mine. Your hot, sweat slick body, the feel of it, the look in your eyes…It’s burned into my head. I can’t get enough of it.” Kissing below Spencer’s ear, she trailed her lips down and found that spot on her neck that caused a moan to elicit, and the blonde’s body to press forcefully against her.

    “Oh God Ash…” Spencer’s hands were up Ashley’s back and unhooking the bra letting it fall off not caring wear it would land. She covered Ashley’s breasts with her palms pressing into the brunette’s body.


    1. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    2. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

    3. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    4. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

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