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    Forgive me this Christmas

    Spencer’s only answer was quickly removing the last piece of fabric from Ashley’s toned, tanned body. With everything gone, she removed her own shirt and crawled up the brunette’s body. Spencer rested on her knees between Ashley’s legs. Her hands were on either side of the brunette’s body as she moved her upper body over Ashley’s. The blonde started to kiss Ashley’s lips, sliding her tongue along the bottom lip then slipping inside the girl’s hot mouth.

    Ashley’s hands slid up the blonde’s smooth, defined legs and thighs, as Spencer’s mouth left hers. She felt Spencer’s mouth along her neck and bit down gently causing the brunette to gasp, close her eyes and grip Spencer’s ass. She squeezed tighter hearing the blonde moan, kissing her neck and shoulder.

    Spencer felt Ashley’s lips on her neck and should and smiled slightly. Pushing her weight and supporting it on her left hand, she slid her right hand down along the brunette’s stomach, caressing inside her thigh.

    Ashley let out a small cry of frustration feeling Spencer’s hand so close but so far away from where it needed to be. She moved her hips letting Spencer know how badly she wanted her fingers inside her…so deep inside her. “Oh God Spence, keep going…don’t stop.”  Ashley’s hands moved up Spencer’s body, feeling the muscles in her back ripple all the way up to her shoulders, as she felt the blonde finally reach the spot. “Uhhh…Fuck Spence…right there….harder.” Ashley’s pleas were mixed with moans and screams.

    Spencer complied to Ashley’s pleading and pushed her hand harder, feeling the brunette sigh and grinding her hips. She moaned, kissing Ashley’s neck. Spencer pulled her head away moving her fingers faster and harder, as she used her hips to make a deeper contact.

    Ashley’s body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, her eyes were opened and a slight glaze was over them as they stared at Spencer’s face. “Sp…Spence…so…close…oh fuuuuck!” Ashley’s body literally came off the bed as the orgasm raced through her body tightening muscles and causing the brunette to scream. Her hands held onto Spencer even after she came down from her high.

    Spencer’s lips found Ashley’s as she rested her body on hers. “How are you feeling?” A smile was on her content face; with the look Ashley gave her. “Okay I get the answer loud and clear.”


    1. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    2. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

    3. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    4. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

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