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    Forgive me this Christmas

    Finally Ashley was actually understanding what Spencer was about to scream at her to do. She felt the brunette’s hands slide up to her hips and hold them in place, her fingers fit into the curves of her hips so perfectly. But Ashley didn’t make another move. Spencer’s head lifted up to look at the brunette.

    “Spencer, you are so amazing…I just want…”

    “Ashley…fuck now, talk later please.” Spencer gave the brunette that innocent good girl look that she knew Ashley couldn’t turn away from.

    Ashley smiled and started to kiss Spencer’s abdomen with light kisses. She didn’t move her kisses down or up, just kept them in the same place but her fingers did finally move. Ashley’s fingertips ran over the girl’s clit and Ashley immediately got the reaction she loved. She felt Spencer’s hips jolt and heard a moan that was always in her head.

    Not wanting to keep Spencer waiting any longer, she drove two fingers deep into the girl. Ashley felt the blonde’s wall clutch around her fingers as she started up a motion that was quick and steady. She wanted to try something new, and it was driving her crazy to do it. She pulled her fingers out of Spencer hearing the girl groan in frustration at the disappearance. Ashley moved up and kissed the blonde.  “I want to try something new baby okay.”

    Spencer nodded her head. “Just please I need you… I need you so bad.”

    Ashley pulled the girl up against her body, lifting her so that she moved quickly and easily. In that quick motion Ashley was sitting up, leaning against the beds headboard and Spencer was facing and straddling her.

    Spencer was shocked by this for a moment then looked at Ashley who hadn’t moved except to hold onto the girl’s hips. She saw that the brunette was concerned and didn’t want to rush something that might scare her. Spencer smiled and leaned into Ashley’s body, kissing her lips and whispering against them, “It’s okay Ash.”

    Ashley kissed the blonde back and wrapped an arm around her waist. The other hand moved from the girl’s hip back down between her legs. She could feel the blonde’s body respond to her touch and slowly again slipped two fingers back inside.


    1. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    2. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

    3. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    4. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

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