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    Forgive me this Christmas

    “Oh God, Ash..!” Spencer threw her head back and groaned. The feeling was the same only deeper…much deeper. Her hips moved along with the brunette’s quick thrusting. She went slowly at first but wanted to feel Ashley’s fingers so deep inside her. She let out moans and cries of pleasure as she slammed her body down onto the brunette’s fingers and hips.

    Ashley felt how close Spencer was coming to the edge, and she quickened her pace. “Come on Spencer, you’re almost there.” She kissed the blonde’s neck and pushed her fingers deep and curled them. That was all that it took, she sent Spencer screaming over the edge.

    “Asssshleey!” Spencer screamed the brunette’s name as she clutched the girls body tightly against hers. When she finished and started coming back down to earth, she felt Ashley gently pull her hand away. Looking through hazy eyes Spencer watched Ashley lick her fingers and suck on them. Even after that mind blowing orgasm, the sight was making her so wet again.

    Ashley slid her and Spencer down the bed some so she could lie back on the pillow. Spence was still straddling her and watched her with curious eyes. “Spence…. What’s on you mind? You’re not laying down.” Ashley thought maybe she made a mistake but quickly pushed that aside when Spencer’s mouth found hers. Her arm wrapped around the blonde’s body feeling the thin layer of sweat that was beginning to cool.

    Spencer knew Ashley wasn’t sure of what was going on, but made sure that she would remember it the next time. In one quick motion, the blonde had two fingers deep inside Ashley’s core.

    Ashley cried out and grasped onto Spencer’s hips. She couldn’t believe that the blonde was going to do this again. Not wanting to make Spencer feel left out, Ashley’s hand was again thrusting into the blonde. She watched as Spencer’s blue eyes partly close, feeling her fingers reaching deeper than before and their hips grinding against each other.

    Spencer curled her fingers every time she push them into Ashley, hearing the girl’s moans mix with her own and filling the bedroom. It was there own music being played. She felt herself again coming close but wouldn’t until she knew that Ashley came with her.


    1. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    2. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

    3. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    4. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

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