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    Forgive me this Christmas

    Ashley’s head pushed hard into the pillow as a louder moan came from her mouth. “Spence oh God….Spencer harder…so…close.” Not even a second later Spencer’s fingers brought her over into another orgasm just as she brought the blonde. Ashley stared into the blonde’s eyes as long as possible, before the feeling was too overwhelming and closed her brown eyes, passing out.

    Spencer collapsed into Ashley’s arms softly running her hand across the brunette’s abdomen waiting for her to stir again. “Ash? Baby you awake?” Spencer’s voice was soft and quiet.

    The sound was almost dream-like as Ashley’s fluttered open. “Hmm? Yeah I’m awake.” Ashley whispered still with eyes partly closed. Her arms gently wrapped around the blonde’s warm soft body, her legs becoming entwined in the other girls. Ashley rested her head on top of Spencer’s listening to her breathing and felling the blonde’s fingers tracing down her skin. It wasn’t in a wanting or lusting way, but now just a loving, caring wanting to cuddle way. Softly the brunette’s hand ran up and down Spencer’s smooth defined, bare back, while she watched the blonde’s fingers on her. “What are you thinking?”

    Spencer’s fingers didn’t lose beat as she replied; “Nothing really, just how amazingly lucky I am to have you to myself. I’m glad I didn’t stay at my parent’s place. We wouldn’t have been able to do any of this.” She rested her palm over Ashley’s belly and left it there.

    “Baby I don’t just want sex from you. I love you more than that, the sex is just one more step to show you, that I’m only yours.” Ashley linked fingers with the blonde and kissed her hand.

    Spencer smiled and held the girl in her arms, not long after Ashley’s breathing change and felt the girl’s body relaxing letting her know that the brunette was asleep. Looking up, she could see Ashley’s calm, soft yet stern face with a small smile on it. It was small but still visible to see. Closing her eyes, Spencer started to drift off to sleep after pulling up the covers to stay warm through the night. Thinking to herself Christmas had a whole new meaning to her and she didn’t want anything or anyone but Ashley. With the thoughts in her head, Spencer fell asleep in the brunette’s arms and pressed against the tan, warm body.


    1. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    2. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

    3. Well I don’t know about anybody else. But for me that was hot! Had me having all kinds of flashbacks. Whew! That was great. I think I am going to read it again… (smile)

    4. I wanna Christmas present, too. Spencer……..with a bow;) Great Post. The sex was hot. Definitely not a quickie:) are you this good? Do you have a girlfriend?

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