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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Avoiding Academia)

        Spencer slammed her locker shut and spun around looking quite determined to make it to class on time.  She wasn’t very successful, however, because she found herself staring into those beautiful brown eyes that had plagued her thoughts constantly since the previous weekend.  Ashley…
        “Oh.  Hey!” she said sounding surprised.
        “Hey, you.  Are you always in such a hurry?” Ashley asked.
        “Do you always distract people from making it to class on time?” Spencer asked back as she heard the bell ring indicating that she was in fact late to History again.
        “Sorry, I forgot that some people actually do that here.”
        “Do what?” Spencer asked confused.
        “Go to class.  So which wonderfully boring hour of academia are you missing?” she said as she pulled a book from Spencer’s arms.  “World History.  I bet you’re really broken up about that.”  Actually…
         “I am.  I’ve been late before, and he’s not all that nice about it.”
        “Spencer Carlin, you surprise me.  You don’t exactly seem like the type to be late for class,” Ashley said handing the textbook back.  I’m not…
        “Well, you don’t really seem like the type to go to class.  I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen you carrying a book,” Spencer returned with a smile.
        “I’m not, and books are way too heavy,” Ashley said as she rolled her eyes causing Spencer to shake her head. “I do go to most of my classes.  I just skip the unimportant ones.  So, how important do you think World History really is?”  
        “I’d say it’s rather important,” Spencer replied as she looked down the hall.  She glanced toward her history class before turning her attention back to Ashley.  “If you don’t pay attention to history, you’re doomed to repeat it.”
        “Riiiight.  I’ll write that down somewhere.”
         “You know, I’m not usually late for class.”
        “No.  See the only other time I was late…there was this completely arrogant girl at fault.  She had me all pinned against the locker, and she was forcing me to listen to her incessant talking—about herself, of course,” Spencer said causing Ashley to smile.  I love that smile…
        “Arrogant?  No way.  I hate people like that.  I hope you let her have it,” she replied teasingly as she raised her eyebrows.  Spencer laughed, and Ashley smiled and bit her bottom lip.  
        “So, are you sure History is all that important?  We could just get out of here?” Ashley offered.  “Isn’t there anything in that book about people seizing the day, living for the moment, stuff like that?”
        “Is that what you call it?  Living for the moment?” Spencer asked.  
        “Absolutely.  I have it on good authority that skipping class can be a ton of fun.  You just have to choose the right partner in crime.”  
        Spencer looked around nervously, glanced at her watched, and turned her attention back to the rebellious teenager in front of her.  Why am I doing this?
        “Okay, what do you want to do?” Spencer asked giving in.  Ashley chuckled and placed her hand on the blonde’s lower back guiding her away from her locker.  Spencer was keenly aware of the tiny pressure she felt on her back, and as she followed her new friend out of the school, she couldn’t help but feel slightly protected by it.  
        “First, I want to get out of here before these teachers smarten up and come looking for us.”
        “What?  You’re missing a class too?  You mean you actually attend this school?” Spencer teased.
        “Ha Ha.  Come on.”  Ashley drug Spencer out the door to her car.

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    1. hahahahaha your reference to cow tipping absolutely made my day (and since it was my first day back at school, it was much needed). So. I have to confess that this was the first post that I’ve ever read from you, but now I’m going to go back and read all of your others.

    2. i’ve been waiting for an update! thank you so much for it. lovely to see them getting along, i guess this means they’ll be sweet with each other from now on? oooh yeaaah… :)

    3. This is one or the, best fanfic i’ve read for SoN! I love how you incorporate Kyla, Aiden, Spashly, and Gladison plots and focus on each almost equally. You’re turning definitely turning me into a Spashly fan though! any chance ashley might start accepting kyla soon?

    4. I love your writing, but I’m disappointed that when you get to the good parts about Spashley you quit writing…Please finish both of your fics…I’m begging you…

    5. hahahahaha your reference to cow tipping absolutely made my day (and since it was my first day back at school, it was much needed). So. I have to confess that this was the first post that I’ve ever read from you, but now I’m going to go back and read all of your others.

    6. i’ve been waiting for an update! thank you so much for it. lovely to see them getting along, i guess this means they’ll be sweet with each other from now on? oooh yeaaah… :)

    7. This is one or the, best fanfic i’ve read for SoN! I love how you incorporate Kyla, Aiden, Spashly, and Gladison plots and focus on each almost equally. You’re turning definitely turning me into a Spashly fan though! any chance ashley might start accepting kyla soon?

    8. I love your writing, but I’m disappointed that when you get to the good parts about Spashley you quit writing…Please finish both of your fics…I’m begging you…

    9. Yay, Im happy that this FINALLY has been updated again. Great chapter, I like how Ash and Spencer’s relationship is progressing. Update again soon.

    10. Yay, Im happy that this FINALLY has been updated again. Great chapter, I like how Ash and Spencer’s relationship is progressing. Update again soon.

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