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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Dinner Time)

    “Okay, socket wrench.”

    “Um…” Spencer uses the two syllable word to delay while she searches for any tool that could possibly be called such. Socket wrench….socket wrench… um… this one!.. maybe.. “Here?” It’s more a question at this point.

    “Seriously, Spencer.” Shaking his head, he rejects the tool in her outstretched hand. Giving her a mock-disappointed look, he reaches around her and pulls the L-shaped contraption out of the tool box. As he does so he gives her a peck on the cheek. Ah, the smell of transmission fluid.. yummy.. “Why do I put up with you?” It’s a whisper against her cheek, and it tickles.

    As she giggles she replies, “Because I’m irresistible, and you love me. Oh, and I’m so not helping you fix this car anymore. Come get me when you’re not all sweaty and smelly.” He pouts, while Spencer saunters off.

    As she walks into the house, she finds her father already preparing dinner.

    “Hi, Dad. What’s for dinner?”

    “Oh, the world’s a-best-a ravioli pasta.” He kisses his fingers to prove he’s Italian enough to pull it off. Riiight..

    Spencer just rolls her eyes and laughs. She walks over to the sink to attempt to remove the grease that she accumulated during her attempt at bonding with her car obsessed boyfriend.

    “Got the Supra running yet?” Her dad was pretending to believe that Spencer was actually helpful during the process.

    “Ha! I have no idea what’s wrong with it. Tell me something, Dad, why do you guys have to fix your cars all of the time? Why is there something always wrong with them?” Spencer had always been amazed that Kevin was able to find something new to do to his car. If he’s so good with cars, why is his always needing to be fixed?

    “Hey don’t ask me. My skills rest in the kitchen. Speaking of which, why don’t you let everyone know that dinner is ready.”

    “Yeah, okay. Is Mom home yet?” She didn’t know why she kept asking this question. Her mom rarely made it to dinner anymore. Ever since the move to Los Angeles six months earlier, she seemed to live at the hospital, and it really seemed to be affecting her father more and more recently.

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    1. Ha. This is so funny. I love how already Spencer seems to think that Kevin is barely worth it except she is doing it to thank him and could she possibly find a nicer guy? Sure, he’s obsessed with his car and sure, he smells like a guy but he’s nice and kind and caring, right? Wrong. Spencer is going to find Ashley soon (please?) and they are going to fall in love (right?) because it wouldn’t be south of nowhere FanFic w/o that. I’m loving this, and I have a coupla theorys as to why Aiden was lying: a) Aiden is gay and he wants to hang out with Glen (I think I’m totally wrong on that theory, though) b) Aiden likes Spencer and he wants to hangout at her house. Him asking her where she was after qutting cheerleading supports this and the fact that, who WOULDN’T be in love with Spence? PMS ASAP. xoxoxo lovely.

    2. Ha. This is so funny. I love how already Spencer seems to think that Kevin is barely worth it except she is doing it to thank him and could she possibly find a nicer guy? Sure, he’s obsessed with his car and sure, he smells like a guy but he’s nice and kind and caring, right? Wrong. Spencer is going to find Ashley soon (please?) and they are going to fall in love (right?) because it wouldn’t be south of nowhere FanFic w/o that. I’m loving this, and I have a coupla theorys as to why Aiden was lying: a) Aiden is gay and he wants to hang out with Glen (I think I’m totally wrong on that theory, though) b) Aiden likes Spencer and he wants to hangout at her house. Him asking her where she was after qutting cheerleading supports this and the fact that, who WOULDN’T be in love with Spence? PMS ASAP. xoxoxo lovely.

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