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    From Geek to Freak – (Chapter: The Project)


    Ashley’s Pov

    So my name is Ashley Davies and im a geek. It’s okay to call me one because I already know that I am one. I stay in my books and make sure I have excellent grades. I occassionly check out girls but whats the use no girl is ever going to talk to me. Oh yeah forgot to mention that i’m a lesbian. People at school know that I tend to myself, my only friend is my sister Kyla she trys to get me to hang out with her and her friends but I don’t feel comfortable. On weekends I spend my time exercising in the gym or reading a novel. I have a really nice body but I always cover it up with sweats.  

    "Hey Ash you want to go out to Ego tonight with me and Chad.", says Kyla

    Chad is her boyfriend

    "No im just going to stay in tonight and chill"

    "Why want you come hang with us, your body is in tip top shape you don’t need to exercise anymore"

    "Kyla look I just don’t want to go okay"

    "Okay well just have a goodnight in tonight I will bring you some food home okay?"

    "Okay Kye"

    Once she left I pulled out these box of pictures in it with me and my dad. He died when I was 15 years old and I miss him so much. That day when he died it was the worst, I cryed and cryed all night long and everyday. I know I shouldn’t be crying now but I can’t help it. For the rest of the night I cry myself to sleep.

    With you, With you, With you

    I slam my hand down on the alarm clock and get up for another day at crappy King High. I hear a knock on my door

    "Ash time to get up"

    "Im already up Kyla" 

    I get up and take a shower and put on my usual attire. I wear sweat pants and tank top to school along with my glasses on my face and my hair in a messy bun and no makeup. I grab my backpack and head downstairs to get my keys to my Porsche. Kyla gets in the car and we drive to school. Once we get their I park and get to class on time.

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    1. That was random and totally not was i was expecting but thats not a bad thing. I wonder was Spencer was being so quick, was she really a porn star…so many questions lol

    2. that was certainly interesting and very diff. :D can’t wait for the rest and was spencer joking about the pron star thing great job PMSLater Dayz

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