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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Finale)

    Ashley rolled Spencer on her back and ran her tongue over the blonde girls neck. Spencer was happy she slowed down and wrapped her hands in Ashley’s hair and then ran her nails down her back. "Ohh…..that feels so good." Ashley loved it when Spencer ran her nails over her body. Ashley moved her mouth back over Spencer’s and they kissed a few more times, they kissed, licked, bit, and sucked all through the night, needless to say morning came way to soon and they both looked like they hadn’t slept at all.

    Spencer couldn’t help but smile as she thought about that night. It had been the last time she was with Ashley and she missed her girlfriend. "Let’s just go for a walk, we have to get out of here." Ashley said moving towards Spencer to take her hand and this time Spencer didn’t resist. They both liked going for walks because the trails were very small and even though they could only hold hands it was nice to just be alone.

    The next month passed by quickly, they were planning for graduation and keeping busy. They had to go on cabin dates with the male cabin for their "final", which they both had problems keeping straight faces through because the boys sat on one side and they sat on the other side and through the whole date Ashley was running her hand up and down Spencer’s thigh and into her underware flicking her clit as the blonde girl talked. Spencer had alot of problems articualting her words and whiped her forehead with her napkin a few times as sweat started to bead there. When the date was over the boys walked them to their door and gave them both a kiss on the cheek like they were taught. Spencer and Ashley went inside and spent some time finishing their own date.

    The final night they were in their rooms just spending time together.

    "I am so nervous about tomorrow." Spencer was sitting on the floor with her head in Ashley’s lap why the older girl ran her fingers through her hair, thinking that tomorrow her whole family was going to come to her graduation and find out that Ashley had been here the whole time. Spencer didn’t care that her mom knew she loved Ashley, she didn’t care that she knew she was here the whole time, she did care if her mom made her stay another 4 months without Ashley. They were going to be brought to their cabin in the morning by their leader and everything would be out, personally neither girl wanted to participate in the graduation and were hoping that they wouldn’t have to since they were both 100% sure they were still very gay.


    1. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

    2. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

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