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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Finale)

    Ashley was terrified about tomorrow she was trying to be strong for Spencer but when Paula walked in on them that night Glen went to jail she had ripped her out of the house by her hair, Ashley had no idea what she would do when she found out that they had been living together for the last 4 months with their beds only 5 feet away from eachother and not much supervision. And to top it off Ashley’s mom wasn’t going to be there. "It will be ok Spence." Ashley leaned over and kissed Spencer’s head, this was their favorite thing to do in the cabin because if someone walked in they couldn’t get into trouble. They were "taught" proper things to do with girls that are your friends and one of them was braiding each other’s hair so Ashley would braid one small strand of hair in Spencer’s hair and then spend the rest of the time running the silky strands through her fingers. The more she learned about what this camp thought was proper and improper for "straight" girls to do the more rediculus she found it. Spencer just wanted to stay like this forever, she loved having Ashley with her the last 4 months even thought they were afraid to get caught it was like a vacation. "Come on lets get some sleep." Ashley helped Spencer up and once all the lights were off they shared a long kiss before they each got into their own bed stairing up at the cealing.

    "Spence." Ashley knew neither one of them was sleeping.

    "Yeah?" Spencer rolled over to look at Ashley.

    "No matter what happens tomorrow, I fell more in love with you over the last 4 months, I didn’t even know that was possible and it wont change, if your mom signs you up for 4 months more or 4 years more I will be waiting for you when you get done." Ashley hated bringing up Spencer’s fears but she needed Spencer to know this her voice had problems getting the words out because she had tears threatening to spill out and she hated crying.

    "Well she can’t sign me up for more than 1 year I will be 18." Spencer joked knowing this was going to be just as hard on Ashley.


    1. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

    2. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

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