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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Finale)

    Silence fell over the room, both girls lost in their own thoughts after a few minutes Spencer cleared most of Ashley’s fears about tomorrow with 4 words.



    "I love you."

    "I love you too." Ashley smiled and they both let themselves fall asleep.

    Morning came way to soon for both girls but they also knew no matter what happened today they were in it together they got ready and with all their stuff packed they had nothing left to do. They were both pacing around the room walking back and forth towards the door to see if they were coming yet when Ashley spotted them.

    "Spence their here."

    Both girls sat down on Spencer’s bed not caring anymore if they broke the rules it didn’t matter. They were both breathing uneven and their stomachs were in nots, their knuckles were white from holding onto each other so tightly. When the leader named Karen came through the door she looked surprised to see Ashley and Spencer sitting on the same bed but when she saw them stand holding hands her face turned red from embarrassment. She had just spent 5 minutes with the Carlins telling them how well everything went and how she felt Spencer had made a "full" recovery.

    "ASHLEY!!!!" Paula screamed the second she stepped into the room. Karen turned and looked up at Paula and than back at Spencer and Ashley confusion clearly written on her face. "WHAAAAAT IS SHE DOING HERE?" Karen turned back to Paula and stumbled over her words intimidated by the outrage on the womans face. "Paula calm down." Arthur stepped up to calm his wife down putting his hands around her arm. Paula’s look would have killed him if it could. Clay and Glen just stood still trying not to even breathe to loud.

    "Ma’am that is her room mate I assure you this is the first time they have ever been caught in a comprimising possition." Paula looked as though she had been smacked in the face, her mind was racing. "DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT HER…………HER GIRLFRIEND……………..HAS BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME MY DAUGHTER HAS BEEN?" Paula growled Karen was now the one to look as though she had been smacked in the face. "Her girlfriend?"


    1. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

    2. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

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