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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Finale)

    "Mom calm down." Spencer finally found her voice but it was shaky. Paula snatched her arm away from Arthur and charged towards them. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion Paula didn’t go after Ashley she went after Spencer she was seething when Ashley saw Paula raise her arm to Spencer she reached her free hand up to block Paula from hitting Spencer and put her body in Paula’s path to protect Spencer from her own mother.

    "You can hit me but dont you dare touch her." Ashley glared at Paula and almost growled the words at her.

    Spencer fell back on the floor as Paula grabbed Ashley by the hair with both hands and slammed her head into the wall and started punching her.

    "MOM STOP IT." Both Glen and Spencer shouted at the same time.

    As Ashley screamed Arthur moved to his wife with Glen and they tried to pull her off. Clay ran to Spencer who was already trying to stand up to help Ashley. Glen was yelling at his mom for her to stop why Karen just watched shocked. With Arthur and Glen pulling Paula back off of Ashley, Spencer was able to push her body in between her girlfriend and her mother trying to protect Ashley now from her mother.

    "Are you ok?" Spencer cried to Ashley and she just shook her head.

    Ashley had cuts on her face from Paula’s nails and her nose was bleeding. Spencer just pulled Ashley to her tightly and they held on like they were fighting for their lives both were crying and Arthur was screaming at Paula to calm down as she was now trying to fight him. After a few minutes of calming her down Karen left. Spencer and Ashley now sat on Ashley’s bed. Arthur was holding Paula still in the corner but she wasn’t fighting and Glen and Clay were standing in the middle just in case they had to stop another fight.

    "I dont care she can stay for another 4 months until they fix her I dont want her back in my house." Paula screamed and Spencer held Ashley tighter both of their fears confirmed.

    "NO." Everyone looked shocked when Glen turned to his mother and stood his ground.


    1. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

    2. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

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