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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Finale)

    Paula didn’t know what to do so she just turned and walked out the door. Spencer had tears falling freely and Ashley’s heart broke watching her girlfriend fall to the floor she moved to Spencer and wrapped her in her arms just happy to be able to hold her again and not worry about getting in trouble. "I love you, no matter what." Spencer’s voice choked out and Arthur wanted to get them out of this place fast.

    "Spence we are going to load your stuff in the car and give you guys some time alone your mom can take her car back we drove 2 cars so Ashley can come home with us." He moved to them and bent down wrapping them both in a hug. "I am so sorry for not protecting both of you, it is going to change as of now I promise you that." He got up to leave with Glen and Clay carrying the stuff out.

    "See I told you everything would be ok." Ashley joked making Spencer laugh which was the goal so she was happy.

    "I dont care if she accepts me or not as long as I have you." Spencer reached up and lightly touched one of the scratches on Ashley’s face.

    "I’m ok, it was worth it just to hear Glen say he was sorry." They both laughed again lightly but they really wanted to get out of here so they walked hand in hand out of the front door for the first time. They walked right past the graduation and they smiled at each other feeling bad for everyone there.

    "HEEEEEY." Spencer yelled really loud so that everyone at the graduation turned to look at them. Ashley looked at her shocked. "I LOVE HER!!" Spencer yelled to the group and smiled real big as she stopped in front of a very shocked Ashley and pulled her in for a heated kiss. When they broke apart Ashley was drawn into Spencer’s eyes and they didn’t even notice that most of the graduates were standing and cheering.

    "Lets get out of this hell hole." Ashley whispered

    When they turned around their was Paula about 10 feet away staring right at them.

    "Oh shit." Ashley squeaked.

    "Well it seems I can’t do anything about this no matter what I do……………Ashley sorry for hitting you." She said this and turned to walk to her car.

    Spencer and Ashley just looked at each other not sure what to make about this.

    "Lets get out of here." Spencer said as she started laughing.

    They dropped Ashley off and Spencer walked her to the door, after all she did learn that when you end a date you have to walk your date to the door and this was the worlds longest date.

    "I will see you tomorrow." Ashley smiled and leaned in to kiss Spencer lightly on the lips for the first time in front of her family.

    "Ok, night." Spencer turned around and blushed when all 3 boys were hanging out of the window with their chin on their hands making all kinds of kissing and awww noises at her.

    "OHHH SHUT UP." She laughed as she got into the car ending the nightmare that was "gay camp"


    1. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

    2. oooh. i really liked this story…paula was a complete bitch…haha. it would be really cool if you tried more of a long-term story with lots and lots of chapters! but i do like your stuff! keep on writing!

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