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    Gay Pride-Trench Coat Scene(After The Door Shuts)Part 35


    Ashley’s POV


         I took Spencer to our bedroom and we didn’t waste anytime. We took our clothes off in record time but made it to the bed even faster. I’m on top of my beautiful blonde making out with her like theres no tomorrow.

         "Mmm, wait, wait…I uh..have some dessert for you." I said winking at her and leaving the room for a hot second. I came back in with a tray covered in rose petals, with strawberries and melted chocolate. Also known as Spencer’s favorite treat, other than me. I walked towards her and put the tray on the night stand.

         "Aw Ash, you’re so sweet." She said leaning up on her elbows and smiling.

         "Yeah, well you’re about to taste even sweeter." I said giving her a smirk. I reached into the drawer and quickly put something beind my back so she couldn’t see what I was going to do.

         "Put your hands up." I told her softly while positioning myself on top of her. She put her hands up and I took the fussy pink handcuffs she got as a present and clamped each one of her hands to the bed post. I smiled down at her and started kissing her neck.

         "Uhm..Oh god, this is going to be hell.." She moaned arching her back.

         "Or is it?" I said kissing her neck before leaning up to grab a strawberry from the tray and dipping it.

         I brought the uncoated part in my mouth and slowly drug the thickly coated part down her stomach, leaving a chocolatey trail. Her breathing was getting heavier.

         "Mmm.." She moaned softly. I smiled and leaned in towards her. She opend her mouth slowly and our tongues gided the strawberry to her mouth. She gave me a seductive smile as she ate the berry. I smiled back and kept my eyes on her as I leaned down and licked the chocolate from her stomach, slowly.

         "Umm, oh..Ashley.." She panted while rolling her head back. After the chocolate was completely licked off I brought my lips to hers and slid my tongue in her mouth, letting her taste the delicious treat.

         After a few more times of repeating this, I could tell it was driving her mad with desire and I could see she was going insane because she couldn’t move.

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