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    Give Up – (Chapter: Get Out)

    "Spencer it’s your choice you don’t have to tell her. I’m one hundred percent behind you no matter what you decide to do." He breaks eye contact and begins shifting through things on the tray. What the hell am I going to do?




    I put off telling Ashley the truth until she was released from the hospital. I didn’t want to put any more stress on her. At least that’s what I had told myself, but in reality I waited so long to tell her out of trepidation.



    I walk over to my dresser and grab the metal handles, pulling the drawer open without a second thought. The last few weeks have been extremely stressful for me. I repeat the actions of shifting shirts around in search of my release. I pull it out and quickly unsnap the zip, letting all of the powder fall onto the flat surface of my desk.



    I briefly think about how much I’ve been turning to drugs for support. Somehow I have convinced myself that my problem is non-existent. Inwardly my mind laughs out in disgust. I lean down and snort the white powder until there is none left.



    I had began to use more and more coke after things with Ashley had gone downhill. Had we broken up? I wasn’t exactly sure. Ashley was released from the hospital three weeks after her surgery. Of course she still had to go back for the occasional visit, but overall she was okay. I decided it would be in both of our best interests to wait until she was physically stable to have ‘the talk’.



    Finally after her fourth week of being released I realized that I couldn’t put it off any longer. Obviously things hadn’t gone so well. We hadn’t talked in weeks and that wasn’t because of a lack of trying on my part.



    I lean my head against the door frame and let my body slip down to the floor, I clamp my eyes shut and let my mind drift back to two weeks prior.



    I had just spoken those dangerous words, I sit still not moving awaiting a reply. Moments pass, seconds, minutes. I notice her face is a bit paler than it was minutes ago. Her eyes are focused on my face, but she’s looking right through me.

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    1. Okay, everything Ashley did to Spencer in this update was kind of wrong. Ashley already knew about Spencer’s family but yet she made Spencer go crazy with worrying. Then she kept asking Spencer to say I love you when she has done nothing but lie to the girl. Spencer is going to be so hurt. I’m so fearful for this Spashley. I really hope you end it happily but a lot has to happen before then, I know. I love this story!

    2. Well…I am not liking Ashley at this moment…She made Spencer go through all that drama knowing all the information already…that was fucked up…How does she think Spencer will react when she finds out that Ashley is a cop trying to bust her family…Now, I am not good at numbers, but I think Ashley’s secret outweighs Spencer’s….And for her not to tell Spencer that she loves her, when Spencer said it to her…was wrong on so many levels….Spencer is going to be devasted when she finds out the secret Ashley has…something tells me…this could be the end of Spashley as we know it…Awesome Update…PMS…ROCK ON

    3. Okay, everything Ashley did to Spencer in this update was kind of wrong. Ashley already knew about Spencer’s family but yet she made Spencer go crazy with worrying. Then she kept asking Spencer to say I love you when she has done nothing but lie to the girl. Spencer is going to be so hurt. I’m so fearful for this Spashley. I really hope you end it happily but a lot has to happen before then, I know. I love this story!

    4. Well…I am not liking Ashley at this moment…She made Spencer go through all that drama knowing all the information already…that was fucked up…How does she think Spencer will react when she finds out that Ashley is a cop trying to bust her family…Now, I am not good at numbers, but I think Ashley’s secret outweighs Spencer’s….And for her not to tell Spencer that she loves her, when Spencer said it to her…was wrong on so many levels….Spencer is going to be devasted when she finds out the secret Ashley has…something tells me…this could be the end of Spashley as we know it…Awesome Update…PMS…ROCK ON

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