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    Give Up – (Chapter: Happy Birthday)

    She smiles up at me and the look of pure happiness in her eyes makes my heart ache I am so fucking screwed.


    Two months later

    I take a step away from my mirror and inspect myself. When I’m finally convinced that there is nothing I can do to make myself look any better I grab my keys and head to the door, locking it behind me.


    I take a few more steps to the door just a few feet from mine. When I read the door I opt to enter the room rather than politely knocking. As I open the door I’m met with Glen’s bare back. He continues looking in the mirror that occupies the space on his black dresser. After a few more seconds he looks away from the mirror, turning around in search of a clean shirt. His eyes suddenly drift to the door and he nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees me standing in the doorway.


    "Jesus Spencer, don’t you know how to knock?"


    I roll my eyes at him and carelessly enter the room. I walk towards his computer and spin the chair around. I let my body drift downwards until I feel the plush cushion underneath my ass.


    "You should really work on your listening skills Glen, what if I was a hit man sent here to kill you? You would’ve been a goner."


    "Fuck you. Just because its your birthday doesn’t mean I can’t beat the shit out of you." He takes a step towards his bed and grabs the dark blue shirt and slowly slips it over his head.


    I smirk and the corner of my mouth rolls up in a small smirk. "Like you could."


    He gives me a dirty look before throwing an oversized pillow at my head. The pillow bounces of off my head and lands on the floor next to my feet.


    "Oww, that really hurt." I say this in the most sarcastic tone possible. He shakes his head and turns back around to the dresser opening the top drawer and pulling out a pair of paper white socks. He slips the socks on before making eye contact again. I take this opportunity to speak.

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    1. I’m always so nervous when I read your updates. I keep thinking something bad is about to happen. Things keep getting worse for the girls. Ashley is falling for Spencer, who apparently has a drug problem, then they do drugs together, and Spencer’s family is still a crime family, and she probably killed someone. Gaahh! Do you see why I get nervous when I read your updates? Don’t worry, I won’t give up on you, just keep on posting.

    2. ughhhh ashleyyyyy drugs are bad! drugs are bad mmkay. gah friggin a. spencer…you gotta stop with the coke babe. for real…its just going to make it worse when ashley ends up busting youuu. grr. stupid glen. i blame him for this lol. oh i know right? i’d so fall for spencer too hahaha!

    3. I’m always so nervous when I read your updates. I keep thinking something bad is about to happen. Things keep getting worse for the girls. Ashley is falling for Spencer, who apparently has a drug problem, then they do drugs together, and Spencer’s family is still a crime family, and she probably killed someone. Gaahh! Do you see why I get nervous when I read your updates? Don’t worry, I won’t give up on you, just keep on posting.

    4. ughhhh ashleyyyyy drugs are bad! drugs are bad mmkay. gah friggin a. spencer…you gotta stop with the coke babe. for real…its just going to make it worse when ashley ends up busting youuu. grr. stupid glen. i blame him for this lol. oh i know right? i’d so fall for spencer too hahaha!

    5. Whoa! Great update. I never expected Ashley to do the drugs. Never in a million years. Whoooooa. I’d write more but I have to finish up some work. I’ll be looking for an update soon. =]

    6. Whoa! Great update. I never expected Ashley to do the drugs. Never in a million years. Whoooooa. I’d write more but I have to finish up some work. I’ll be looking for an update soon. =]

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