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    Give Up – (Chapter: Hell to Pay)

    "Make it fast Glen I have to go." He stands up off of the bed and begins pacing around the room. I roll my eyes at his actions. Such a drama queen. Suddenly he stops in the center of my room and turns toward me. He takes a shaky breath before vocalizing his thoughts. "I have to talk to you… about Ashley."





    When the words leave his lips and meet my ears I feel my heart stop for a split second. I take in a shaky breath, panic flowing through my blood. My eyes dart down to Glen’s hands and I realize they are blood stained, along with his shirt and the rest of his lower body.



    "Wha- What did you do Glen?" He rushes forward in an attempt to console me. I back away from him shaking my head in disbelief. My eyes are still focused on his hands, he follows my gaze at lets out a disbelieving breath.



    "No Spencer, its not what it looks like. I–" I cut him off in dire need of an explanation. "Glen what happened to Ashley?" I let the words leave my mouth slowly and fearfully.



    He takes in one big gulp of air before responding. "Sh– She’s in the hospital Spence." A small laugh escapes my throat. "No I just talked to her not even fifteen minutes ago. She fine, I’m supposed to meet." I look down at my watch before continuing. "Now, I’m meeting her now."



    Glen shakes his head in pity and close the gap between us, wrapping me up in a bear hug. "The hospital Spence." I remove myself from his death hug, wanting answers. "Is she alive?" I pause waiting for Glen to respond when he doesn’t I question him again, my tone filled with venom. "Is she alive?" He shrugs his shoulders, this sends me over the edge.



    My mind jumps to one conclusion. He had done something to hurt her, and he was going to pay. I violently step forward, tears streaming down my face. Although I hadn’t thought it possible my tone turns darker than before. "What the fuck did you do to her?" I don’t give him a chance to respond, as my anger takes over.

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    1. Whoa! Spencer choking Glen…WOW! I guess that shows us what she is really capable of. I think this whole shooting might set into motion everyone finding out who Ashley is. It’s inevitable, right? Spencer is pissed at Mark O’Connor, I hope she doesn’t do something stupid and kill him or something. She doesn’t need anymore blood on her hands.

    2. :-( ashie! ashie no. ashie no die. ashie no die!! ashie and spencer are gonna be ok. right? tell me they’re gonna be ok! ashie’s not gonna bust spencer and everythings going to be just fine. damn it…where the hell is my bat?! i’ll take care of mark myself. asshat… superlative update!

    3. Whoa! Spencer choking Glen…WOW! I guess that shows us what she is really capable of. I think this whole shooting might set into motion everyone finding out who Ashley is. It’s inevitable, right? Spencer is pissed at Mark O’Connor, I hope she doesn’t do something stupid and kill him or something. She doesn’t need anymore blood on her hands.

    4. :-( ashie! ashie no. ashie no die. ashie no die!! ashie and spencer are gonna be ok. right? tell me they’re gonna be ok! ashie’s not gonna bust spencer and everythings going to be just fine. damn it…where the hell is my bat?! i’ll take care of mark myself. asshat… superlative update!

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