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    Give Up – (Chapter: Leash)

    We walk down the steps and out the front door and I see Glen’s muscle already in the backseat. He grabs my elbow and I turn to meet his gaze. "You ready? "I nod my head. "As ready as I’ll ever be." "Okay, here we go." Yeah, here we go…. Again



    6 days later


    Once again I find myself sitting in Johnson’s office waiting for him to explain to me why I’m here. I shift around on the chair trying to make myself as comfortable as possible. Johnson’s eyes drift away from the computer screen and meet mine. He takes his fingers off of the keyboard and places them on his lap.


    "You went out with Spencer again last night?"


    I slowly nod my head and he takes this as a sign to continue.


    "That’s the fourth time this week." A huge smile washes over his face. "Good, so do you think your making progress?"


    I stay silent for a moment, not really sure how to answer.



    Of course I’ve been making progress. She’s only been devouring me with her eyes since we met.


    Come on Davies your making that sound a little one sided, haven’t you done the same to her? You can’t go an hour without thinking about her naked.



    I clear the voices from my head and opt to go with a more professional response.


    "She’s far more comfortable with me than she was on our first ‘date’, and I think we’re on the borderline of complete trust."


    He gives me the familiar head nod and shifts a few papers around on his desk.


    "That’s great news but that’s actually not the reason I asked you to meet me."


    "Okay, so why did you want to meet?"


    "There are two reasons. The first is that you won’t be coming to this office anymore. I’m letting you off the leash. No more ear piece, no tracking devices. Just you making decisions based on your judgment alone. You’ve made a lot of good progress and we can’t risk her people finding out who you really are. Of course I’ll be contacting you to make sure your okay, and to see how much progress your making. Other than that your truly without a leash."

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    1. I refuse to believe Spencer murdered him. Someone else must have ended up with her gun. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself right now. This story really is fantastic. PMS!

    2. i’m officially not believing that spencer did it. it had to be glen…he is totally the killer type…don’t you think? if it is spencer i think i’ll just die…it just can’t be her. well, please don’t keep me waiting too long to find out…:) I hope that you know that you pretty much rock my socks of and they just keep coming off every time i read another chapter! so keep ’em coming!!!

    3. I refuse to believe Spencer murdered him. Someone else must have ended up with her gun. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself right now. This story really is fantastic. PMS!

    4. i’m officially not believing that spencer did it. it had to be glen…he is totally the killer type…don’t you think? if it is spencer i think i’ll just die…it just can’t be her. well, please don’t keep me waiting too long to find out…:) I hope that you know that you pretty much rock my socks of and they just keep coming off every time i read another chapter! so keep ’em coming!!!

    5. shuuuut up!! now…i dont think spencer did it. not on purpose anyways. she probably freaked and the gun went off or something. haha i have faith in innocent spencer damn it!! but…hmm…spencer with a gun…plus the fact shes the drug jove i think you’ve cracked the code govna! you’ve managed to make spencer even hotter! haha omg. you are AMAZING! and ashley on a leash…well now thats just hottness on a completely different level hahah. so excited for the next update! for sure!

    6. shuuuut up!! now…i dont think spencer did it. not on purpose anyways. she probably freaked and the gun went off or something. haha i have faith in innocent spencer damn it!! but…hmm…spencer with a gun…plus the fact shes the drug jove i think you’ve cracked the code govna! you’ve managed to make spencer even hotter! haha omg. you are AMAZING! and ashley on a leash…well now thats just hottness on a completely different level hahah. so excited for the next update! for sure!

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