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    Give Up – (Chapter: Screwed)

    I pull her into the house, continuing the kiss and slamming the door shut behind us. Spencer – 3, Ashley – 0


    I let out another sigh as I continue to stare up and the dark ceiling above me. What the hell have I gotten myself into?


    Hush Davies, you know you enjoyed it.


    Instead of trying to rid my head of the voice I actually nod in agreement. What the hell is wrong with me? Not only have I slept with the enemy I did it seven consecutive times and I have the urge to do it again.


    Suddenly the blonde in my arms shifts in her sleep moving closer to me, searching for the most contact possible. Her actions make me subconsciously smile and the cop in me rolls its eyes, silently letting me know that my actions are ridiculous.


    Falling in the with the enemy Davies?


    I waste no time in shutting off the voice inside my head. Falling in love? I let out an extremely quite chuckle, careful not to wake the beauty resting in my arms.


    I am not falling in love. Somehow the idiotic voice in my head turns itself back on.


    Love, love, love, l – o – v – e, love.


    For a moment I consider trying to strangle the invisible voice inside of my head, but that thought leaves as quickly as it came.


    I focus more on the fact that I’ve been hearing voices in my head. That cannot be healthy, not only am I hearing voices in my head, I’m actually arguing with them. Maybe Dr. Kim was right, maybe I should have continued therapy.


    Love, love, love, l – o – v – e, love.


    I continue my thoughts, still hearing the voice in the back of my mind.


    This really isn’t a big deal, I mean how else was I supposed to get her to trust me fully? This was the plan all along, wasn’t it?


    No, the plan was to get her to trust you by befriending her, not to fuck her brains out and have the best orgasm of your life in the process.

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    1. Yay you updated!!! I love this fic…But, I’m bummed cause this is not going to end well. I couldn;t imagine being undercover and have to “fake” emotions and conversation and such. You would have to be a good enough actress that you could walk away from it all at the end. Ash is going to have a very very difficult time with all this.Please don’t wait to insanely long to update next time????????xxo

    2. ohhh snap. rule numero uno ash…never fall in love with the enemy. well…unless its spencer haha so really. cant blame ya! i was amped when you updated! gahhh missed this story. you ROCK!

    3. Sweet, you posted! I had almost given up on you. Ashley is so falling for Spencer, no matter how hard she tries not to. Maybe Ashley should just tell her the truth right now and then they can just run away together and assume new identities. Sounds like a good plan to me. Please keep the updates coming.

    4. Yay you updated!!! I love this fic…But, I’m bummed cause this is not going to end well. I couldn;t imagine being undercover and have to “fake” emotions and conversation and such. You would have to be a good enough actress that you could walk away from it all at the end. Ash is going to have a very very difficult time with all this.Please don’t wait to insanely long to update next time????????xxo

    5. ohhh snap. rule numero uno ash…never fall in love with the enemy. well…unless its spencer haha so really. cant blame ya! i was amped when you updated! gahhh missed this story. you ROCK!

    6. Sweet, you posted! I had almost given up on you. Ashley is so falling for Spencer, no matter how hard she tries not to. Maybe Ashley should just tell her the truth right now and then they can just run away together and assume new identities. Sounds like a good plan to me. Please keep the updates coming.

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