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    Give Up – (Chapter: The End?)



    Her eyes shift from the house to the rest of our surroundings. "How did we get here?"



    I pull her back to me, holding her closer than before. "It wasn’t easy."



    I lean into the mirror as I apply my lip gloss. When the deed is done I take a step back and smile at my reflection. I blow myself a cocky kiss.



    I’m so getting laid tonight.



    I flick the light switch and walk towards the front door. My left hand reaches down into my pocket. I pull the keys from my pocket with ease.



    My eyes dart around the small apartment.



    Clean enough.



    The door slams shut with a loud bang, I carelessly leave the door unlocked. My feet take me across the street and to the fairly empty parking lot. My eyes are latched onto my feet as I go. I walk in the direction I always walk in. My car is always parked in the same spot.



    My head snaps up when I hear a light shuffling. I take a look around the parking lot, neglecting to look in the direction of my car. After I convince myself that I’m being a paranoid freak, I keep walking towards my car, eyes still searching the parking lot.



    My head slowly turns in the direction of my car. I come to a complete halt at the sight before me.



    It’s her. Right there. She’s here.



    Our eyes lock in an intense gaze. I unconsciously take a few steps backwards. She laughs and I watch her as she jumps off of the hood of my car.



    It feels like an eternity passes before I make an attempt to break the silence.



    My words come out shaky. "Wh– wha-" I decide not to continue with my question, since I already know why she’s here. She keeps her silence. A few more moments pass, she steps forward coming closer to me.



    I take two quick steps back trying to keep distance between us. Her features change, her brow furrows and she looks as at me as if I had just spit in her face.

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    1. You bet your ass I do!!It was a great ending for us although I feel like it’s just the beginning for them.I hope you write a new story soon. I’d probably read anything written by you, after this masterpiece. ;)

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