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    Give Up – (Chapter: The End?)



    So many thoughts and emotions are running through my mind. It had been nine months since her release, sure it might have taken her sometime to find me. But nine months? No way it would take her that long to find my location.



    I hadn’t even tried to cover my tracks, even if I had tried she had connections that would have been able to locate me within a day.



    My feet stay planted in one spot as she takes a cautious step towards me. She stops just half a foot in front of me. I desperately want to take as many steps back as possible, but I don’t. Neither of us say anything.



    For the briefest of seconds I try to read her. I quickly realize that isn’t going to happen. Her facial expression is blank.



    She is first to break eye contact. I watch her closely as her eyes inspect my body. Her tongue darts out, licking her lips briefly.



    "You look better than I remember."



    Confusion fills my features. It leaves just as quickly as it came. All those months I spent fucking with her, I deserve a bit of my own medicine.



    Instead of questioning her statement I approach a new subject.



    "I expected you to come sooner."



    She shrugs her shoulders and her eyes find mine.




    "I needed to deal with my shit." I nod my head.



    She speaks. "I missed you."



    I laugh out loud. "Is this your way of getting back at me for fucking with your life?"



    She shakes her head in the negative. "I’m not bitter."



    I laugh once more. "And I’m straight." The fear I was experiencing earlier leaves me.



    She shakes her head in frustration. "Why do you think I came here."



    I give her a ‘are you fucking kidding me’ look. "Do you not remember threatening me?"



    She says nothing as she runs her fingers through her hair.



    "I six months in prison, then eight months in rehab. The rehab part was voluntary. I had a lot of time to think about things."

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    1. You bet your ass I do!!It was a great ending for us although I feel like it’s just the beginning for them.I hope you write a new story soon. I’d probably read anything written by you, after this masterpiece. ;)

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