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    Give Up – (Chapter: The End?)



    I shake my head disbelievingly. "So just like that your over it?"



    She doesn’t answer my question. "I missed you."



    Silence returns. Minutes pass. I speak. "I know I deserve to be fucked with, but can you please just do whatever it is you came here to do."



    "Fine." She steps forward, I stay still waiting for whatever she has in mind. Her hands reach out, her fingers wrap around my wrists. I shut my eyes, I feel myself being spun around. She slams me against my beat car.



    She raises my hands until they are leaning on the roof of the car above my head. I prepare myself for the physical abuse I suspect will soon follow. But it doesn’t come, instead I feel her soft lips against mine.



    I turn my head to the side breaking contact. That doesn’t stop her though. She continues. I feel her lips placing gentle kisses along my jaw, neck, and back up to my ear. She stops for a second. Places my wrists together and holds them in place with her right hand.



    Her free hand forces my face to the left until we’re making eye contact again. Her tongue darts out, brushes over my bottom lip.



    Somewhere along the line I stop resisting, I realize she’s sincere, I give in to what we both want.





    She nods her head in agreement.



    "It definitely wasn’t easy."




    ****** Spencer’s POV



    I nod my head in agreement



    "It definitely wasn’t easy."



    I take a seat in the gray metal chair, and pick up the jet black phone.



    "Hey Dad."



    He smile at me through the glass window. "Hey honey." His voice is happy cheerful, he’s glad to see me. For the first few minutes we make meaningless small talk. Then he ask the question he’s been asking for months.



    "You seeing anybody?" I let out a deep sigh, finally ready to come clean.



    He smiles. "How long?"



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    1. You bet your ass I do!!It was a great ending for us although I feel like it’s just the beginning for them.I hope you write a new story soon. I’d probably read anything written by you, after this masterpiece. ;)

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