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    Give Up – (Chapter: We Need to Talk)

    As she leans down to snort the final line something between guilt and disgust washes over me. Guilt because I offered her the drugs and disgust because she accepted my offer. I was bringing her into this world, my world.





    Eleven Months Later



    "Okay so I’ll see you soon?"



    "Yeah, give me fifteen minutes." We end our call casually and I can’t help but think about how great things are with Ashley. I had introduced her to the rest of my immediate family a few months back, of course things had gone well. Although Glen had taken to her quickly and remains nothing but supportive of our relationship. It actually surprised me they were able to form such a strong friendship.



    The three of us are occupying the top half of my oversized bed, with me in the middle. Surprisingly silence has washed over us. Ashley takes a long and deep inhale, only to release it seconds later.



    Glen lets out a quite chuckle at her actions and she leans over me, smacking him lightly across the forearm. The two of them got along so well that it surprised me. Usually two ego maniacs tend to clash, but not them. Although they had only known each other for a few months their friendship was quite solid.



    I feel the bed shift as Glen climbs towards the foot of the bed. He swings his legs over the side and steps down, heading for the door. Before exiting he turns back around to face us, directing his focus to Ashley.



    "Smoke a bowl with me?" She lifts her head from my shoulder and nods in response. Glen smiles and steps out of my room probably heading for his own. Ashley follows Glen’s movement and swings her legs over the bed. She lets her hands rest on my thighs as she speaks.



    "Come smoke with us." I nod my head slightly. "I’m not in the mood." She smiles and I can almost see the wheels in her head turning.



    "Well what are you in the mood for?" She lets both of her hands run seductively over my thighs.

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    1. uh oh…i dont think he knows..because he wouldnt be as chill as he is right now…theres something else going on. like..i dont even know what lol. but i think its safe to say he doesnt know about her involvement with the fuzz. oh and to answer your question from the authors not… theres no way you can blame spencer lol. shes too damn cute and sweet to blame her. its easier to blame glen cuz he’s an ass. wonderful update…all the drugs they’re doing is making my head spin lol but it adds elements of difference to it. not too many stories delve into this dark side. excellent job.

    2. Oh my, statements like “I have to talk to you…about Ashley” are never good when it comes to someone being an undercover cop. It looks like Ashley has made it into the inner circle of Spencer’s family. Things are so going downhill from here. Just remember, it’s not too late for Spashley to go ahead and escape to some exotic location. I would be okay with that.

    3. uh oh…i dont think he knows..because he wouldnt be as chill as he is right now…theres something else going on. like..i dont even know what lol. but i think its safe to say he doesnt know about her involvement with the fuzz. oh and to answer your question from the authors not… theres no way you can blame spencer lol. shes too damn cute and sweet to blame her. its easier to blame glen cuz he’s an ass. wonderful update…all the drugs they’re doing is making my head spin lol but it adds elements of difference to it. not too many stories delve into this dark side. excellent job.

    4. Oh my, statements like “I have to talk to you…about Ashley” are never good when it comes to someone being an undercover cop. It looks like Ashley has made it into the inner circle of Spencer’s family. Things are so going downhill from here. Just remember, it’s not too late for Spashley to go ahead and escape to some exotic location. I would be okay with that.

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