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    Give Up – (Chapter: Yeah)

    "Good, because we’re headed back down to Rage tonight. Maybe this time you’ll get to have an actual conversation."




    Once again I find myself at the bar ordering my preferred drink. The bartender nods and turns his back grabbing my drink. I fumble with my purse looking for a five dollar bill. Before I can I see the bartender turn toward me expectantly. He gives me a patient smile and sets my beer down in front of me. Before I have time to search through my purse again I feel someone lean over me and see a set of fingers hand the bartender a five dollar bill.


    I spin around expecting to be met with a pair of ocean blues eyes, but instead I see a tall muscular man with brown hair and stench of cigarettes fills my nostrils.


    Great, this is just what I need right now.



    He smiles at me and I guess he expects me to thank him for paying for my drink. I try to do this as quickly as possible giving a quick thank you and attempting to step around him. But of course a simple thank you isn’t enough and like all me he steps in front of me blocking my path.


    "Look, I already thanked you for the drink. I’m not interested so excuse me."


    He lets out a small laugh and I can’t help but roll my eyes. "As attractive as you are, your definitely not my type. I was asked to pay for your drink bye the blonde over there." He takes a step back and points to a familiar blonde. She gives me a bright smile before breaking eye contact to speak to the person sitting next to her in the booth.


    "She said she owed you a drink and she would love it if you would come sit with her." I look back at the man just barely making out his words. After staring for a few seconds I look down at his shirt realizing that he is one of the bartenders. I give him an apologetic look before thanking him and excusing myself.


    I look back over at Spencer who is once again looking in my direction. I take a few nervous step towards her before letting out a breath and walking a bit more confidently. She keeps her eyes on me until I reach her table. She gives the person she had been previously speaking to a look indicating she wanted privacy.

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    1. Okay I just caught up with this story. But I have to say…simply AMAZING!! It’s definitely different from any other fanfic I’ve read. Keep up the great work & I’ll be looking for the next post!!

    2. Ahhaha. This is the BEST. I’ve been waiting for forEVER! I know you’ve been studying for mid-terms and all but I say “who gives a shit”? Mid-terms are only halfway thru the year, you have the rest of that time to make up the grade. You need to be on here updating like crazy. :) I love this story. Seriosuly. LOVE IT! PMS please. I’d really be happy if you did. *gives big puppy dog smile that no one can resist* Really, really happy.

    3. Okay I just caught up with this story. But I have to say…simply AMAZING!! It’s definitely different from any other fanfic I’ve read. Keep up the great work & I’ll be looking for the next post!!

    4. Ahhaha. This is the BEST. I’ve been waiting for forEVER! I know you’ve been studying for mid-terms and all but I say “who gives a shit”? Mid-terms are only halfway thru the year, you have the rest of that time to make up the grade. You need to be on here updating like crazy. :) I love this story. Seriosuly. LOVE IT! PMS please. I’d really be happy if you did. *gives big puppy dog smile that no one can resist* Really, really happy.

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