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    Give Up Forever To Touch You – (Chapter: 11)

    Bus number 34 wobbled back and forth as it bounced along the crack-ridden streets of LA. Spencer sat there, silent.

    I don’t know why I thought she’d be here. I’m so stupid.

    The blonde was only a block away from her stop now so she yanked the cord signaling that she wanted to get off.

    I’ll probably never see her again. Ugh! You have Kyla … why are you seeking out this complete stranger? Maybe because every time you think of her your heart begins to race and your breathing becomes shallow. She’s so amazing. Ok, seriously you don’t even know her…. But I want to know her!

    The young doctor argued internally with herself. Nothing about Ashley made sense to her.

    Suddenly a loud choking sound came from behind the blonde and she turned around to see a young girl coughing and pounding her chest frantically, choking on her water.


    It was summertime and the Carlins had drove up to Clearlake for the weekend, the largest natural lake in the state of California. Arthur was excited to take the family out for vacation, it had been a long time since the Carlin clan had all been able to get a weekend off. Paula sat on the shore, sifting through paperwork, just because she wasn’t at work didn’t mean she didn’t still have things to do. Glen climbed the rocks near the edge of the lake, exploring and fighting off pirates with his wooden stick. Arthur was manning the barbeque, making hamburgers for lunch he smiled as he breathed in the clean air.

    Which is why no one noticed when little Spencer wandered over to the dock and started to walk out onto the wooden structure. The tiny blonde was only five years old; she followed a butterfly that fluttered inches away from her, always remaining just out of her reach. Spencer giggled and hopped along the wooden planks, she was determined to catch the butterfly, and she was mesmerized by its orange and yellow colors. There was only a small splash as she fell off the dock, tripping over a plank and tumbling into the water. Spencer’s blue eyes bulged and she struggled to reach the surface, her arms flailing about helplessly. She drifted slowly to the lake’s bottom, her vision failing as her lungs slowly gave out.

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