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    Give Up Forever To Touch You – (Chapter: 7)

    Spencer ran down the street, her converses sopping wet and pounding into the rain puddles that were impossible to avoid. She felt her toes squishing uncomfortably in her water filled socks. Turning suddenly she made her up the front steps of her condo. She fumbled frantically for her house key, her hands trembling in the cold.

    Ashley. She’s so incredibly pretty. Not that it matters, I’ll never see her again but she was completely stunning. And definitely not gay. Still though, something about her …maybe she rides the bus every day. I could ride it again tomorrow.

    Spencer finally unlocked her front door and shoved into her home. She sighed and quickly kicked off her shoes, tugging her socks off as well, the blonde shook her sopping wet mane, droplets of water flying across the entryway.

    A raven-haired head popped up from the couch, “Hey you!” The girl exclaimed.

    Spencer screeched, and jumped back in surprise. She was startled by Kyla who was sitting in her living room sipping a cup of hot tea. The girl stood up and walked towards Spencer holding another cup in her hand. She handed the doctor the hot beverage, and Spencer took it appreciatively.

    “Thanks.” She said. Spencer looked at her nervously, sure Kyla had a key to her place but the girl hardly ever used it. “So, what are you doing here?” Truth be told Spencer had been looking forward to coming home and taking a long hot bath by herself. Spencer suddenly noticed a suitcase situated by the stairs.

    “Um Kyla, what’s going on?”

    The other girl followed the blonde’s gaze to the suitcase and began to smile uncontrollably. “I thought a trip to Tahoe was in order.”

    Spencer’s eyes went wide with surprise, “to where?”

    “To Tahoe, come on take some time off from work and let’s head up to the mountains for a few days. I haven’t had you all to myself in ages.” She traced the outline of Spencer’s jaw longingly.

    Spencer suddenly pulled back and made her way further into the living room. She plopped down on one of the beige couches and kicked up her feet. “Kyla you know I can’t take time off from work, especially after you had me take most of last week off”

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