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    Goodbye Tonight

    Grey clouds covered the usually sunny LA sky as Thick, heavy droplets of water fell . Cascading across the land below and mixing with the sickeningly red liquid oozing from it’s dwelling and gradually spreading across the windshield.

    Screams were heard and ambulance sirens blared but to Spencer Carlin the scene was chillingly silent.

    She couldn’t move and everything around her was blurred. Her chest hurt and she could feel the warm trickling of blood making it’s way across her temple and slowly running into the crook of her neck.

    Staring drowsily across to the ocean in the distance she could almost feel the sand beneath her feet.

    Her breathing becoming more laboured as she remembered the day she had told Ashley she “liked girls” and how the spunky brunette had given her “the girls guide to dating”. Silently chuckling at how she was so frightened but all that had been washed away so easily when she stared into those dark mocha eyes .

    Her first kiss with Ashley had also been on that beach that seemed just a speck in the distance. She could still feel the brunette’s soft lips on hers, still savouring the taste of strawberry lip-gloss and something that was plainly Ashley. How gentle her best friend had been, going almost gut wrenchingly slow, careful not to scare Spencer when all the honey haired girl had wanted to do as rip the brunettes clothes off and ravish her.

    How each piece of skin Ashley had eventually touched seemed to ignite instantly and most of all how Spencer had finally felt truly alive when Ashley had uttered those 3 little words.

    Letting out a hiss of air Spencer cursed silently as her body gave in to her multiple injuries. Her cerulean eyes becoming heavy as she began to give into the affects of her blood loss.

    Resting her head against the mangled steering wheel she let her thoughts drift to her brunette saviour as her eyes once again scrunched up tight ,another wave of pain shaking her to the core.

    Her eyes flew open as she heard the pop of the door being opened and felt strong arms wrapping around her waste, gently pulling her from the wreckage.

    She gave a muffled groan of pain as she felt her body come in contact with the cold hard concrete and stared deep into the puffy tear filled eyes before her.

    "Move aside please" came a gruff hurried voice.

    Two men in dark green uniforms kneeled down beside Spencer’s blood streaked body and pulled an oxygen mask over her face

    "We have a female, late teens with what looks like critical injuries.We’re bringing  her in now".

    "i’m coming with her, i’m her husband,Aiden Dennison."

    Spencer groaned as she was lifted into the ambulance."please don’t leave me Ashley" she muttered,

    leaving Aiden dumbfounded.






    1. well that obviously meens that spencer is still in love with ashley, lol since she has a husband and is calling for her ex-girlfriend when she might die. i hope ashley still feels the same way and comes and find herGREAT STORY!!!PMS

    2. well that obviously meens that spencer is still in love with ashley, lol since she has a husband and is calling for her ex-girlfriend when she might die. i hope ashley still feels the same way and comes and find herGREAT STORY!!!PMS

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