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    Grace on Fire – (Chapter: Fallen Angels)

    The offices were in absolute pandemonium when Ashley stepped through the door. Creatures were flying around dropping files on desks while others were screaming into phones in various tongues. She began to walk forward towards Kyla’s office; side-stepping demon’s carrying stacks of papers on her way. As she progressed, voices grew quieter, eyes were drawn to her, and the silence became louder than the initial chaos. They stared at her with awe and disbelief; she loved it.

    Knocking on the door several times, she let herself in after a few minutes and shut it behind her.

    “ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?!” Kyla screamed, her own wings spread menacingly. “You brought down the fucking Beverly Center and half of Beverly Boulevard! You impulsive, irresponsible, selfish, idiot! I can’t fucking believe I’m related to you nor can I even begin to grasp what the hell you were thinking when you pulled this shit!”


    “I should have you tossed in the pit or have your wings ripped off your back.”


    “You’re never going to get that promotion now, EVER!”



    “I got one.”

    “Got one what?”

    She pulled out the flask from her jacket pocket, gleaming and glowing more than it should have been. “This is why I brought down the Beverly Center.”

    Her sister looked at the flask, attempting to grasp exactly what was being implied, what she was seeing, and what she was about to find out. “Are you serious?”


    Kyla shakily reached out her hand and wrapped it around the metal container. It buzzed and hummed with energy beneath her fingertips. “How?”

    “I had to crush him under a ton of glass and cement and then I did something I’m not supposed to know how to do.” The look on the other girl’s face was priceless. It was if she was staring at an alien life-form or the best birthday present ever given. Shock, elation, and awe were etched into her features right then.

    “You caught the soul of an angel in a flask… you never cease to amaze me.”

    “This make up for the unscheduled earthquake?”

    “This makes up for every fuck up in history.

    A haze of smoke began to appear in the corner of Kyla’s office. It billowed and grew larger as the two girls stared at it with apprehension. They had an idea of what it was, they just didn’t know what message it was bringing. Larger it grew until it was the size of a human but it never took shape. “Our Lord and master wishes to see you Ashley Davies. I suggest you make your arrival prompt. Not many get this opportunity.” With that, the cloud of smoke dissipated, leaving the sisters to soak in the gravity of what was just requested.

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    1. Ha!! I love it!!! It’s so so different than anything else on the board, but it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun to read! Kinda reminds me of Buffy/Angel. Gotta love it!

    2. Ha!! I love it!!! It’s so so different than anything else on the board, but it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun to read! Kinda reminds me of Buffy/Angel. Gotta love it!

    3. fecking love this story :-D it’s very different, original, and well written just like the stories you have penned in the past! It’ll be interesting to find out who Spencer is – the ‘is she an Angel or a Mortal?’ qustion will hopefully be answered soon. That’s a hint to post more very soon by the way! I hope this doesn’t go too much in the way of star cross’d lovers doomed by the fact that they are from warring factions – quite a big divide, that Heaven/Hell one ;-) but then again, whatever you write will be ace, so ignore me, please :-) Jx

    4. fecking love this story :-D it’s very different, original, and well written just like the stories you have penned in the past! It’ll be interesting to find out who Spencer is – the ‘is she an Angel or a Mortal?’ qustion will hopefully be answered soon. That’s a hint to post more very soon by the way! I hope this doesn’t go too much in the way of star cross’d lovers doomed by the fact that they are from warring factions – quite a big divide, that Heaven/Hell one ;-) but then again, whatever you write will be ace, so ignore me, please :-) Jx

    5. Oh yeah, since I’m under the assumption that Spencer is an angel then I guess you know that I’m super intruiged. A Demon and an Angel falling in love? Who wouldn’t read this shit? It IS THE SHIT! (And I mean that in the most best way possible). *Wonders to Self* What’s going to happpeeennn?????

    6. Oh yeah, since I’m under the assumption that Spencer is an angel then I guess you know that I’m super intruiged. A Demon and an Angel falling in love? Who wouldn’t read this shit? It IS THE SHIT! (And I mean that in the most best way possible). *Wonders to Self* What’s going to happpeeennn?????

    7. Damn. I like this story too much. But I think I can see where u got the story line. Ashley is the bad girl, Spencer the good one, but you just amplified it like 100x more and added in the whole hell heaven thing. Spencer’s an angel, right? Isn’t that why she was wearing a white holister shirt and white keds? And we already know what Ash is, a demon of some sort. :D God I love this story. It makes me think. And Aiden and Kyla are demons, or w/e, too cuz they are a part of Ashley’s world and anything associated with her is instantly evil. This is a way cool story. And pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! correct me if I’m wrong on any of this stuff. Please! I don’t want to get half way through the story then find out my assumptions are wrong. :D Please PMS!!!!!!

    8. Damn. I like this story too much. But I think I can see where u got the story line. Ashley is the bad girl, Spencer the good one, but you just amplified it like 100x more and added in the whole hell heaven thing. Spencer’s an angel, right? Isn’t that why she was wearing a white holister shirt and white keds? And we already know what Ash is, a demon of some sort. :D God I love this story. It makes me think. And Aiden and Kyla are demons, or w/e, too cuz they are a part of Ashley’s world and anything associated with her is instantly evil. This is a way cool story. And pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! correct me if I’m wrong on any of this stuff. Please! I don’t want to get half way through the story then find out my assumptions are wrong. :D Please PMS!!!!!!

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