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    Happy Birthday Mute! =D

                “You sure about this baby?” I heard my wife ask as she moved into place behind me.

                “Ashley, calm down. It’s your birthday and I’ll give you anything you want.” I said, turning around so that I could loop my arms around her neck. She smiled and leaned in to kiss me deeply. “I trust you completely,”  

                “I love you Spencer,” She whispered against my lips, making me smile. I could feel the strap on I’d given her for her birthday pressing against my stomach and it made me shiver with anticipation. It was bigger than anything I’d ever taken before and I could tell she was excited at this prospect. She pulled away from the kiss before turning me around and slowly bending me over so that I was laid out across the desk in her office, as comfortable as I could be in this position.

                For her birthday all Ashley asked for was simple: to fuck me over a desk, from behind. I knew that it had always been a fantasy of hers and I easily agreed. It was her first birthday as my wife and I wanted her to remember it. Although I didn’t see why giving me orgasms was a very good birthday gift for her she insisted that it was what she wanted. It was my idea to do it in her office at work; it added more excitement to it. Even though she owned the production company and it would be very hard for anyone to actually get into the building, let alone into her office at this time of night, there was still the slightest chance, which I knew titillated her.

                I felt her guitar roughened fingers sliding over the bare skin of my back, making me shiver slightly. I felt her lean over me, and her breasts press into my back as she whispered in my ear.

                “Turn your face towards me.” I felt goosebumps raise as her lips just slightly brushed my ear and I turned my head to the side. I saw her smirk before standing up straight again, brushing her nipples against my back as she went. I heard her slight intake of breath and I grinned, even as I tried to prepare myself.

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    1. that was fantastic!! like beyond fantastic you did a great job like always and i agree with mute…..sequeal!! lol loved it happy b-day mute!! pms please!! :D

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