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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 10 – Where's My Trumpet?)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 10 – Where’s my trumpet?


    Ok so in the past two day I have found out that Spencer Carlin is from Cleveland, Ohio and has some sort of interest in me, but she didn’t say anything else on that so it’s still in the air. Also she is sexually un-active, even though she has a boyfriend, whom of which she will not sleep with till they are married. She has an older brother, Glen; who is an asshole. Her dad is the camp leader of CGR; no news of the mom, so we shall ignore that for now. Oh and she’s like 20, which is only 3 years my senior.

    Now after looking at all my collected information, I have figured that I stand a fair chance with Spencer, especially with my birthday being in two days. And I think I’ll get her attention by playing a few pranks on Glen and I’m sure I can out do Aiden; he looks like the screaming type.

    The only difficult factor in my prank planning is the huge ass lake that separates the guys from the girls, but that’s what they invented canoes for right? And I think I can convince Madison and Evelyn to be my partners in crime, maybe even Kyla I’m sure Madi could help with that one. Forget Katie as she is on my naughty list; it’s not the kinky kind of naughty list it’s the bad kind.

    Oh I don’t know if want to have an update of my girls, but I’m going to give you one anyway. And yes they are my girls, they have my back and have proved themselves as worthy friends, so from here on out they are officially my girls.

    Okay first up we have Madison and Kyla, they have started to bond. Well considering their first meeting they could get any worse, so we have an improvement. They’ll end up getting together or at least they will hook up, I can feel it in my bones.

    Then there’s Evelyn and Katie. Their starting off quicker than Madison and Kyla, they like instantly connected on some unseen level. I pretty sure Katie is still having an inner battle with her confusion over her new thoughts of Evelyn.  I’ll have more updates of these wannabe couples in a few days.

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    1. okay so i havent commented in a while im still mad at you for making me laugh so hard i fell and hit my head but im over it now well kinda but the flying pigs was funny well in peices lol well pms please :)

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