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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 12 – When you fly, you fall that's the way it goes)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 12 – When you fly, you fall that’s the way it goes


    I was once again shaken awake, by Spencer. Something tells me she hasn’t found her beloved trumpet ha-ha, don’t worry I’ll give it her back at the end of camp, or I might just buy her a brand new one.  I bet trumpet’s are like diamonds to Spencer.

    “Come on Ash” That’s what I like to see; an alarm clock with a smile.

    “Ok I’m up” I replied. I actually got up straight away; I have a good feeling about today. I’m just feeling lucky I guess. I pad my way over to the dresser, where I have finally unpacked my clothes. I share this big wooden thing with Spencer. Seriously it’s like we’re living together, we’ll be sharing a bed next…wishful thinking.


    After our breakfast Spencer takes us back to the cabin. She has told us to dress appropriately; quite frankly I have no clue what we are meant to be dressing appropriately for.

    “Spence can you help me please?” Don’t be too shocked I know my P’s and T’s.  

    Spencer walks over to our shared dresser; she begins riffling through all my clothes. She shuts the bottom draw, obviously not finding anything she thought to be appropriate. She stood up to open the top draw; my panties draw. I don’t think she could have shut it nay quicker than if she had tried. She’s blushing a tomato red, it’s cute. I don’t mind her see my under garments, but if she started sniffing them I’d be a tad freaked out, but I highly doubt she’d do a thing that weird.

    “Uh sorry, didn’t know.” She apologized quickly.

    “It’s cool. I’m not bothered” I smirk, watching her duck her head shyly. She goes back to the bottom draw and pulls out some short-shorts and a simple, white vest top. I raise an eyebrow at her.

    “I-it’s the m-most ap-appropriate” stuttered Spencer. Ain’t she cute trying to have me revealing as much skin as possible. Seriously if it wasn’t for the vest, I’d have more coverage from my undies.

    “I’m sure it is Spence; don’t sweat it though I love to flash my body. Madi is going to drool” I say with a wink. What can I say, I was born to tease and please.

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    1. yah id be a lil weird for my camp leader to dress me just a bit if it was spencer id have to think about it if it was ashley well she can do whatever she wants to me if she told me to jump in a lake i would ask which one if she told me to push her car to her house id ask for directions if she told me to strip so she could have her way with me the clothes would be gone before she finished her sentence and if she..well i think you get the idea i would do anything for amanda musgrave for gabriel probly the same but my fantasy is mandy.but i guess thats what makes a fantasy a fantasy knowing it wont happen.but hey a girl can dream lol pms please

    2. You just made my evening. It’s always great to get another chapter out of you! And finally a bit of action….I’m hoping there’s more where that came from…! Don’t do the camp (outdoors!) thing in England but still seems a bit inappropriate for Spencer to want to dress Ash..not quite Loving Annabelle as they are pretty close in age…but still hot so who cares!! PMS!1

    3. I’m more of a Spencer chick jazziejazz lol you take Ashley while I take Spencer, one thing I gotta say since I never mentioned, pretty sure I would never leave Spencer’s sight if she was my camp counselor, I’d basically be the suck up…lmao gotta love it :)

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