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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 14 – Danger Mouse)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 14- Danger Mouse


    “Why did you run away, after we kissed?” I asked, getting straight to the point. I’m too curious to mess about with subtly.

    “Umm well I technically I-I didn’t run, I was m-more of a fast walk” Spencer replied leaving my question unanswered, which meant I was left unsatisfied, and that just doesn’t sit well with me.

    “Don’t dodge the question Spencer. Why did you kiss me and then leave?” I know the kiss was mutual, but she did start it.

    “I-I…I don’t know Ashley, I’m sorry. I just…I just got scared okay” Spencer looked down at the woods floor as we walked deeper in through the trees. I’ll admit I forgive her for running away like she did, but I’m going to need a bit more than her being scared as a reason; I mean why is she scared? I know why I’m scared, but why is she?

    “I was scared too Spence, and to be honest I’m scared right now, but I didn’t run out on you. What is it you’re scared of exactly?” Normally when the situation got all serious like this, I would start cracking jokes, but I really don’t think it’s appropriate right now. Spencer took a deep breath before answering.

    “It’s you. I’m scared of you” She says so quietly that I hardly heard what she said, all I heard was ‘It’s you’. At least now I know that we are both scared of each other. It’s natural instinct, to be wary of something that brings out your most vulnerable emotions, right?

    For me in three short days Spencer has bought out my most vulnerable emotions for the world to see. I have spent years bottling those emotions away and she’s already popped the cork, so to speak. Yeah your right bad choice of words, but that’s what it’s like.

    As we walk further in the area surrounding us gets darker; the trees have blocked out most of the sun light, only the odd streams of light get through the small gaps in between the leaves. I stop walking to look down at the list:

    1. 1, Healthy Pinecone

    2. 3, different type’s of leaves

    3. Poison Ivy (collect with caution)

    4. 2, Species of Mushroom

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    1. And I thought I was in for a boring evening stuck at home! Very funny chapter and glad to see you back. I love this story and had a big grin on my face when I saw you’d updated..I certainly wasn’t dissapointed…Umm interesting situation in the infirmary there…how is it that Aiden gets to see Ashley in her underwear before Spencer…????…thanks and PMS!!

    2. i was like wait squirel and an acorn dont go anywhere near it thats a bad idea and i was right but i cant stop laughing wow it was great funny and sweet written well pms please :)

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