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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 16 – Officially Un-Official)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 16 – Officially, Un-Official


    I was lying lazily on my close enough to comfy camp bed, listening to my iPod. It was coming up to twelve O’clock; the skies nearly pitch back, it was still holding up its navy blue glow.  I’m lying here with all the lights off, just thinking about what I was going to when Spencer finally came back to her bunk. The thoughts of what she was probably doing back at the Infirmary made me shudder in disgusted, just the thought of his grabby hands on any part of Spencer made me cringe.

    Around 15 minutes later I heard the door of to my room squeak as it slowly opened. I could only see a little because the moon wasn’t giving much light tonight as the clouds filled the skies. What I did see was enough for me to know that it was Spencer that was entering the room 4 past curfew. Her blonde hair really will be her downfall one of these days, it glows golden when hit with only the littlest of light.

    She must have thought that I was sleeping because she was trying her best to be quiet and probably sneaky, but so far I have learnt that Spencer is far from quiet or sneaky. She had no deceptive skills what so ever.

    I cleared my throat loudly just as she reached her bedside. She visibly jumped in shock. She waited a few seconds; probably trying to rid herself of the blush she is almost certainly wearing, before flicking on the lamp on her bedside table.

    “Oh so you’re awake then?” Spencer asked as she was looking down at her feet.

    “Looks that way, so did you find what you forgot?” I couldn’t quite keep the jealously out of my voice. Spencer looked up at me, giving me that cute little head tilt she does when she’s confused or when she’s thinking.

    “Um well I guess you could say that, yes” She sounded unsure with her answer. I guess she doesn’t want to talk about her activities with Aiden.

    “What ever at least someone is getting some action in this place” Yep there was definite jealously in my voice, maybe even some bitterness. You can’t really hide emotions when you over come with them. Spencer is just looking at me with a look that saying ‘what are you talking about’.

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    1. Yay!!! I think this story rocks and it’s so nice to get a new chapter!!! I know you must be mega busy so thanks :-)!! Thank god Spencer’s finally admitted she wants to get it on with Ashley….poor Ash has really had to work for it! But the fact she’s an heiress and legal now won’t do any harm either!?! Aiden is a complete tool…he deserves to be dumped….I wonder how Spencer’s family are gonna react tho’??? PMS!!

    2. that was sweet but so funny “So Carolina can shove her exercise ball up her ass.” lol that was so funny hahaha so something ashley would say :) pms please :) i cant wait but do your homework!!!!! we dont want you failing on our watch lol :)

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