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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 17 – Presents, Plots and Problems)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 17 – Presents, Plots and Problems


    I woke up this morning without any help from someone else, which is actually quite shocking. Usually I have to be made to wake up, but not today. No sir, not today because today is the day that is my birthday. And not just any birthday, it’s my fabulous 18th birthday. And I’m officially an adult.

    And when I’m an adult I can be controlled by no one. I’ll be my own woman. And my woman will be Spencer. I’m not going to push Spencer into something that she’s no ready for, but I can’t help getting excited at the thought of us being a real couple.

    Oh and just in case you were wondering where Spencer is, I’ll tell you. She’s currently fast asleep in my arms, which is probably why I wasn’t woken up by someone else. Since said someone is practically using me as her human mattress. I’m not complaining though, so far this has been an awesome birthday and I’ve only just woken up.


    Since Spencer didn’t show any signs of waking up, I had the honour of waking a girl up my own way. Although she didn’t wake up instantly, instead she moaned softly as I kissed the underside of her jaw lightly. Her eyes cracked a little, meeting my own. She smiled lazily at me, so I went in for another kiss, but this time on her lips. I can now assure you that my Spencer is fully awake.

    For a girl who wanted to take things slow, she sure was heating us up. Then again maybe this was my present, and you know the rules…you can’t refuse a gift. So yeah I believe it would have been quite rude to have stopped my present short.

    We did finally stop though, but that was when Madison and the girls came barging in singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs. Strangely enough though each and every one of them had their eyes closed, so they didn’t actually see me and Spencer making out like horny teens. And for that I’m thankful, after all Spencer doesn’t want people to know just yet. I might just inform Madi though?

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    1. I too miss the story but I know it takes up time you don’t have! Eh well…just have to settle for updating whenever you can! That was great but what is Ash needed for??? Something to do with her step mother I bet….

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