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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 25 – It'll work out)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 25 – It’ll work out



    That night Spencer and I stayed in our own separate beds. I may have forgiven her, but we need to have a serious talk before she’s completely let of the hook.

    When I woke up, I was expecting Spencer to be rushing around trying to get the girls up, but not this morning. Nope. When I woke up, Spencer was sitting on her bunk, hands neatly folded in her lap; watching me.

    I’m blinking quite a lot right now, I think all that crying yesterday has irritated my eyes. I sit up straight in my bed, rubbing my eyes almost frantically.

    “You’re going to make your eyes sore if you keep rubbing them like that Ashley. Washing them out with water might help.” Spencer suggested as she pulled my hands away from my face. I nod my head and make a quick exit to the cabin toilet.

    She was right though; washing my face soothed my eyes. When I got back to my bed Spencer was sitting there, hugging my pillow. Her face was buried in it. I’ll admit that I softened a bit at the sight. She looks so young, just sitting there on my bed, shielding herself from the world with my pillow.

    “Spence shouldn’t you be waking the girls?” I whispered, trying not to startle her…no luck, she leapt of my bed; dropping the pillow in the process. Her eyes were concentrating on the floor, looking like she had just been caught doing something she shouldn’t have.

    “I…Um didn’t think they would listen to me” She mumbles quietly.

    “Why wouldn’t they?” I ask. I know they don’t always listen, but she just has to show them who’s in charge. Like she did at the beginning of camp, I think she’s gone soft.

    “Well I’m the…bad guy in their eyes.” Spencer answered. What is she trying to say? She is or was the bad guy; I think anyone would have thought the same thing. As if Spencer could see my thoughts in my eyes she quickly said “not that I don’t deserve that label, because I do. I was a jackass yesterday.”

    Jackass is a little strong, maybe a jerk of sorts.  

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    1. yay an update :D sorry i missed your last post i did go back and read it ive just been realy busy latley anyways good luck wth the guys lol id just be like “im a lesbian” lol even if your not just say that and say you just realized it or something lol if you need any advice or to just talk pm me cuz im sure theres more to the story and just saying that might not help lol :P anyways back to the story at hand i loved it lol glad they made up and im glad everythings back to normal sorta lol i do agree with ashley hope she doesnt haave to go through more drama lol :P pms please oh and if you do find the gay girls let me know i cant seem to find any either lol ;) lol jk :P

    2. You’ve made my day *sigh*! I’ve told you many times that I LOVE this story…but I have to agree…where the hell are all the gay girls? There seems to be a serious shortage…I’m gonna have to dedicate my next post to all the singles out there lol! Anyway PMS!!

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