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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 26 – Unexpected Company)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 26 – Unexpected Company


    Ugh remind me why I thought going on a trek through the woods, was an ok idea. Seriously my feet ache, my skin itches; thanks to all the insects thinking it’s a free buffet. The other girls aren’t fairing much better.

    Eve is lacking behind; practically being pulled along by Katie. Apparently Evelyn’s energy does have a limit after all. Katie looks like she’s seconds away from passing out and I’m sure tugging Evelyn’s weight behind her isn’t making it any better.

    Madison is doing ok I guess, she’s stripped down to her short shorts and bra. Claiming that she’s about to melt if a cool wind doesn’t swim on by. If I wasn’t so concentrated on my own irritations I would possibly be openly gawking her, but I wouldn’t do that with Spencer around.

    Kyla is the worst of us all; she is definitely not an outdoors girl, well unless you count the open areas of shopping.  She is currently getting a ride on Spencer’s back, lucky bitch. I did kick up a fuss about it yes, but Spencer insisted that she couldn’t carry my weight for very long and then she pointed out that Kyla was about to drop.

    She is lucky that I’m very comfortable with my weight. Honestly has nobody told her that you don’t mention a girl’s weight, especially if it’s not in a positive manner? I’ll let it go for now, but if at some point in the future Spencer wants me to carry her I’ll pick her up, just to purposely drop her…nah I wouldn’t. Well I might.

    So yeah I’m trudging along beside Madi, while Spencer practically skips along ahead of us with Kyla on board. I accidently knock against Madison while we’re walking.

    “Ashley I’m too hot for you to me touching me!” She snaps. Whoa tiger, steady on. My eyes widen and dart straight to Spencer, who spun round so quickly she dislodged Kyla from her back. My hands instantly shot up in innocence, as I shook my head. Seriously I hardly touched her and it wasn’t even done on purpose.

    “Accident” I plead. Spencer’s glare softened a little, but not before she used hands signals to show me that she was watching. She turned round and picked Kyla up; who was groaning on the floor.

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    1. ok first of all sorry about the guy advice lol ive done that before and yah turned out kinda the same way,men,what can i say lol :P yah pm me ill go check now i might have missed it i went straight here so ill check when im done lol anyways back to the story i loved the whole eyse behind her head lol i hate when someone does that i think it is just cuz im predictible too lol and man leaving it there i want to strangle you so bad lol i bet its either the guys arthur or those fat girls lol idk just know its not good lol :P you better get your ass back here and update soon :P

    2. Oh God! I hoping this makes first comment! I’m really, really sick so this has been a great surprise to see another update so soon! Wow, I’m guessing all the guys have turned up including Aiden and Glen?!?!? Ooops! Thanks for the shout out too! You rock…PMS!!

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