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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 30 – The Spencer Bomb)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 30 – The Spencer Bomb


    Previously on Happy Campers – “Spencer, I know you’re excited about the date with your boyfriend, but you need to breathe your turning blue.”Arthur urged her to breathe, he rubbed her shoulder gently.

    “Babe, breathe for me…” Oh Aiden you idiot, he so just set of the Spencer bomb. Duck and cover people!

    When your girlfriend is looking like she’s going to go psycho on someone’s ass, what do you do? You get out of her fucking way that’s what you do and you do it quickly.


    “THERE WILL BE NO DATE! You two idiots are pathetic, getting my dad involved to try and get us to date you. And Aiden we haven’t been dating for years practically. You were a best friend with a misplaced title of ‘boyfriend’. We aren’t dating anymore, and we won’t be going anywhere together ever again. Get over it.”Spencer hissed. She took a quick breathe, before continuing. “And Glen I’m only going to say this once. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. My. Ashley!” Her blues eyes were deeper than ever.

    This is most definitely the quietest explosion I’ve ever heard. I thought she was going to be shouting and scaring the shit out of everyone…well she’s achieved the last and it’s so unbelievably hot.

    Arthur was shocked into silence. Aiden was actually cowering behind Spencer’s dad; looking like he was going to cry. Glen was just frowning.

    “I don’t see her wearing a collar Spencer. I’ll do what I fucking want.” He seethed. There is clear case of sibling rivalry here, and I’m apparently the prize. I was about to take Spencer away, when Glen started smirking. It wasn’t that smirk that creeps me out; it was the ‘I’m going to cause trouble’ smirk.

    He got closer to Spencer. She was already on edge, her body when rigid when he got a few breathes away. “Your Ashley wasn’t complaining a few nights ago when I was giving her what she really needs.” He bragged, while laughing in her face. I’m sure he would have continued, but Spencer’s hand shot out and across his face quicker than he could blink. The noise was quite honestly painful to hear.

    Seeing Glen recover and turn back to Spencer, I jumped in front of her. What I didn’t realise was that it wasn’t gong to be enough to stop Glen getting through, but as it is we Pacific’s are a tight group. When I moved in front of Spencer they were quick to follow. All five of us, were enough to make Glen think twice.

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    1. Well! That was worth the wait just to hear Spencer tear Glen a new one lol! I’m also glad Spencer stood up for Ashely although maybe not in the way she should have done? Maybe it IS too soon for them to be outed but I feel bad that their relationship is still secret. So, summers coming up and.sorry..what was that? Oh! You’re going to be giving us an update every week? Wow, thanks! lol! That’s just me being greedy just PMS!!

    2. how the hell did i get so far behind?!? man well i just caught up :D loved it every single part im glad spencer finnaly said something cant wait till they announce the fact they are together seeing as spencer basicly just said she didnt mind if thats what ashley wanted… i loved it pms please!!!!

    3. That was awesome. Spencer being defensive then being so sweet to Ashley it was nice. Great update. Post more soon as you can. Please and Thank you.

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