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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 31 – Don't go anywhere)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 31 – Don’t Go Anywhere


    When I woke up I was still wrapped in Spencer’s arms, though her leg had thrown itself over my legs at some point. With my head nestled in her neck, I take a deep breath and snuggle a little deeper in to her body.

    I was about to fall asleep again, but my blanket was starting to wriggle around. I groaned not wanting to wake up properly, but knowing that I had to get up and do something with the group today. I wasn’t really in the mood to do activities. I just wanted to spend a little time with just Spencer and myself.

    We really need to talk about where our relationship is heading, because I don’t want to fall any deeper in love with her if this is only going to be a summer romance. Hopefully its more than a little summer time fun for Spencer, I know it means the world to me.

    “Hey, Spence?” I whisper against her neck making her giggle as my breath tickled her neck.

    “Hmm” she grumbled, not even trying to wake up fully. Yesterday must really have taken it out of her; poor girl is still pooped even after hours of sleep.

    “I love you.” I whisper, pushing my face deeper in to her neck. I heard a faint I love you too before her cute almost silent snoring started up again.

    I can’t sleep, but I’m way too comfortable to move. And I’m not sure when I’ll be called away by Arthur to have that little talk he was wanting yesterday. I swear if Aiden mentions anything about Spencer, I’ll kick his ass…well I’d tried because to be honest he’s built like a brick shit house.

    I lift my head slight so that I can look over the blondes shoulder and see the clock, its just one 7:30 which means breakfast it soon. I only just now remember that I never got to eat any food at dinner yesterday.

    Speaking of which what would Arthur need to speak with me about? I never did anything yesterday that would get me into trouble and Spencer said that she never told her dad that we were together so it can’t be that. I can see why he would need to speak with Aiden because well he’s an ass, that’s enough reason.

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    1. Oooh! I wasn’t sure how he was going to take it but he’s a cool dad! So, Maddy and Kyla…there’s a good couple if there ever was one! I think Kyla’s feelings for Maddy are pretty deep but I can’t wait to find out. I’m going to bully you into posting more…soon…*Growls* Consider yourself warned, now get writing!!

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