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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 33 – What's pie got to do with anything?)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 33 – What’s pie got to do with anything?


    I had left Spencer to rest as she was most certainly out for the count for the time being. I’m not one to be ungrateful, but now that I’m not gong through a sex haze, I’m thinking more and more about how she was acting. It was so not Spencer.

    I walked into the open area of the cabin, where the other girl’s beds are located; strangely empty. So I’ve come to the conclusion that they were being considerate and giving Spencer and me some privacy, but that just doesn’t sound like my girls.  Now the girls having their ears against the door, now that sounded more like them.

    I left the cabin to go looking for them, but ended up running straight into the last person I ever wanted top see; Aiden.

    “Why the rush Ashley” Aiden sneered. I have this inkling that he isn’t as stupid as he looks/pretends to be. Well it could be that he just doesn’t like me for some reason, but let’s be honest guys have lots of feelings about me, but hate isn’t one of them. Envy isn’t attractive people let me tell you that much.

    “None of your damn business, so piss off” I replied, casually. I walked away laughing as his reaction played over in my mind.

    I got over it quickly and carried on crossing the camp, heading towards the mess hall. They hang with Barb, when they have nothing else to do. As it happens they weren’t there either, so then I tried the lake. Finally getting to the waters edge, it was obvious they were there either.

    Now this left only one option. They had more than likely done something very stupid, but entertaining and have gotten themselves in trouble with the big man himself. My girls are only ever in four places; the cabin, the kitchen, the lake, or in Arthur’s office.

    I make my way over to the main cabins where Arthur’s office and see if my guess is right, which I’m very sure that it is. As I climb the stairs I know for certain that I have the right place, because as I’m coming up the steps and very tired looking Arthur Carlin comes down them.

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    1. Oooh! I thought we’d have to wait longer! Take plenty more painkillers and you can knock another one out tomorrow because you know I can’t wait any longer! PMS!!

    2. what i wouldnt give for a pain killer right now….but totaly worth reading even in all this pain lol loved it absolutly loved it. im so glad you posted pms please!!! :D

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