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    Have A Little Faith In Me – (Chapter: To the Grave I’ll Love You In)

    “Excuse me Maam?”  The bus driver asked Ashley politely. He was an older man, stocky and strong. Dark hair peppered with gray fell to the nape of his neck and had gentle hazel eyes that were full of questions. Ashley paused for a moment and then spoke.






     “I said turn around Henry, go back to Texas,” Her answer had been simple, however hard the conclusion was to arrive at. The boys were asleep in the back of the bus and she was positive that they would be pissed but she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was go home to Spencer.






       “But miss! That’s a three day drive from New Jersey!” Henry heartily protested. Ashley, nevertheless, held up her hand silencing him. She closed her eyes picturing home, sunny and warm.






     “I don’t care, just take me back,” she answered. He pulled the long tour bus over to the side of the road putting on his left turn signal. He proceeded to make the widest U-turn in the history of the planet and Ashley sighed. She sat back against the large passenger seat, letting go of the breath she’d been holding in since New York. She was going home. That is, if there was even a home to return to.






    ~                                     ~                                      ~                                      ~






     “Spencer what do you want me to do? It’s the opportunity of a lifetime!” Ashley asked Spencer, her voice rising. The blonde looked at her angrily, her blue eyes icier than the Antarctic snow. Ashley sighed dropping her hand to Spencer’s shoulder.




    “Ashley we have so much to do. A six month tour starting next week?! I just got you back a few months ago and now I’m going to lose you again? How do you think that makes me feel?!” Spencer shouted fighting the tears that had sprung to the back of her eyes. Ashley closed her eyes shaking her head trying to fight off the headache building behind her ears.




     “Go with me.” Ashley answered her simply. She rubbed Spencer’s shoulder but the blonde shrugged her off and turned over so they were no longer facing each other.

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    1. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

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