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    Hoops – (Chapter: 1: Inbound)

    For some reason, my hands just wouldn’t stop shaking.  I had gone through this moment in my head, over and over again, but I was still so nervous.  And the long drive didn’t help.  I had never been away from my parents for such a long time before, but coach thought this would be a good idea.  So here I was, driving all the way from Los Angeles to Ohio for basketball camp.  It was supposed to help me up my game, but if you ask me I already had mad skills.  Lame, I know, but you get what I mean.


    “Spencer!” my mother yelled pulling me out of my nervous reverie.


    “We’re here.”



    I hadn’t even noticed the car had stopped. Oh man, I think I just need to breath and focus.  I opened my door, hoping that I could change my mind at the last minute, and jump back in and drive back home.  But no such luck.  Dad had already pulled my bags out of the car and was headed to check-in, and mom was closely behind him waving for me to follow.  I guess this is it.  I quickly followed them, and made it just in time to hear dad give the woman my name.


    “Spencer Carlin”


    The woman scanned her list.


    “Ok, here’s your keys and information packet.  You’re going to be on the second floor, room 212.”


    “Thanks” Dad said to the woman as he grabbed the keys.  We all headed inside the building, steered through a sea of girls, up to the second floor, and into my room.  It wasn’t that bad…roomy enough and it even had a TV in it already.  Plus, my roommate hadn’t checked in yet giving me first bed pick rights.


    “Hey kiddo, you want us to help you unpack?”


    Something about my mom and dad helping me put up my underwear didn’t sound too appealing, so I opted out.


    “Ok, then, sweety, do you want us to stay for a little bit while you settle in,” my mother said looking at me as if she didn’t really want to stay, but just said it out of obligation.

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