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    Hoops – (Chapter: 11: Back in the Game)

    Panic shot throught me as I raced over to Ashley.  She had fallen on her side, so I turned her over onto her back.  I had no idea what to do.  I wanted to run for help, but I didn’t want to leave her alone in the gym.   I desperately started to shake her and call her name, but she didn’t wake up.  Her chest still steadily rose and fell, so I could tell she was still breathing. 

    Thinking back to the moments before she collapsed, it hit me that maybe she had just passed out from dehydration.   I ran to get the bottle of water she’d tossed aside earlier.  Untwisting the cap, I splashed some of it on her face.  But she still wouldn’t wake up.  The longer she laid there pale and lifeless, the more terrified I became.  I was no nurse, I didn’t know what to do.  I had to get help.  But just as I decided to leave, she started come to.

    Her eyes were still closed, but she scrunched up her face as if confused. 

    “Oh my God, Ashley,” I practically screamed, “Are you okay?”

    She inched her eyes open, trying to focus on me.

    “What happened?” she asked disoriented, using her sleeve to wipe the water of her face.

    “I don’t know,”  I sighed in relief. “You must’ve passed out or something.  I told you we should’ve stopped.”  The accusation was supposed to ease some of my own guilt at having agreed to continue to play even though I knew she was sick.  It didn’t work.

    Ashley tried to push herself off the ground, but she was barely halfway there when she tumbled back again, her elbows slamming onto the court.  I offered my arm for support, but she just brushed it away.

    “No,” she said, again struggling to stand up.  “I’m fine, I don’t need any help.”

    But, having learned my lesson about her irrational stubborness, this time I ignored her and grabbed her waist to support her up.

    “Thanks,” she relented, gently pushing my arms away as she backed away from me.

    “What’s wrong with you Ashley?  Are you sick or something?”

    She must have smacked her head on the court when she fell, because this pretty reasonable question only made her snicker.

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    1. OK, there better not be anything seriously wrong with Ash….I just couldn’t take it!!! I’ll wait and see what happens but if it’s bad you and we are going to fall out *hmph* BUT PMS…Please!!

    2. I’m so glad you’re back and this story is kicking all sorts of ass. i love that spencer is totally falling for ash and doesn’t realize it. pms!

    3. Noooo! Not cool! You’re not supposed to just leave it there! This friggin story’s addicting! Poor Spence, Ashley’s confusing as hell… :s

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