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    Hoops – (Chapter: 14 pt.1)

    As soon as we pulled up to the club, I noticed the crowd waiting to get in stretched for at least two blocks.  The music was pulsating all the way to the parking lot.  Karen parked  and we made the trek to the back of the line.  I kept my eyes on my feet, worried I would fall if I stopped concentrating on walking.

    After we found a place in line, I checked out some of the other people waiting.  I had been worried Ashley may have overdone it a bit in dressing me, but as I got a closer look at everyone I saw that I fit right in.  

    “We’re going to be out here for hours,” Rebecca whined.

    “Don’t we have to be at the door by 11 to get in free?” Cindy asked. “It’s already 10:45.  There’s no way we’re going to make it.”

    “Don’t worry ladies, I’m sure we’ll get in for free,” Karen assured.

    15 minutes later we were still in the exact same spot.

    “Well, we missed it,” Cindy said, glancing at the time on her cell phone.  “Do you guys want to stay and pay, or just go back to campus?”

    “We might not even get in at all if we stay,” I said. “Maybe we should just go back.”

    It was starting to get pretty chilly and my minidress and equally mini jacket weren’t doing much to keep me warm. 

    “Will you guys relax,” Karen said annoyed. “We’re going to get in.”

    Just as she said it, I heard the crowd stir in the front.  I leaned to the side over the rope, hoping to get a better look at what all the commotion was about. But all I saw were people pulling out there cell phones and taking pictures of something at the door.  The bouncers were blocking the view from where we were standing.

    “What’s going on?” Rebecca asked, elbowing me out of the way so she could look.

    “I don’t know.   I couldn’t see anything.”

    Excited whispers started to make their way down the line towards us.  A few seconds later, I could swear the guy in front of us whispered to his friend, “Isn’t that Ashley Davies?”

    I was just about to tap him on the shoulder to see if I’d heard him right, when a familiar voice caught my ear.

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    1. yay ashley saved the day and is probably going to give that guy a strong talking..i mean she’s going to yell at him to back off haha no one gets spence drunk except her lol

    2. tea is very amazing and ashley holding tea…sigh…it’s my very own stix happy place. loving the new story and loving this update, keep it up and do it again asap

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