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    i just wanted you to know – (Chapter: it isn’t fair)

    (after school on the way home, but before the "Spencer I think I’m in love with you")

    On the car ride home, Spencer had a million and one things running through her head.

    Why does my mom have to be so biggotted?  All she ever heard about Ashley was what Glen said when we moved here. "I heard at school that Ashley might be gay."  That was ALL she heard, and now she’s hated her, my best friend, ever since.  And Ashley and I were so happy yesterday! We finally took our relationship to the "more than friends" stage, and now she does this? How can she do this to me?! I’m her daughter, why won’t she just let me be happy? I guess I’ll have to tell Ashley today…but God, I don’t want to.  I have to though, because…well. I don’t want to think about it anymore.  I’ll just enjoy this afternoon, and then break the news.


    (Starting back at the end of the last chapter. sorry for the confusion)

    She was startled back to reality when Ashley complied to her request, allowing Spencer’s tongue to slide gently into her mouth.  Ashley nipped lightly at her tongue, causing Spencer to jump slightly and pull her tongue back.  Taking the opportunity to take control of the kiss, Ashley pushed her own into Spencer’s mouth.  After a few moments of enjoying the bliss of just being together, they pulled apart.

    Spencer rested her forehead on Ashley’s, and sighed. 

    ….here goes nothing…

    "Spencer…I think I’m in love with you."

    …oh. Why did she have to say that now?! Right when I was about to tell her about…I hate my mom.

    Spencer had lowered her head, and her eyes had started to tear up, and the stinging drops of water were threatening to make their escape. 

    "Spence? Sweetie?  I’m sorry if I scared you, please don’t cry.  I just…I’ve never felt this strongly about anybody in my life, and I had to let you know.  You don’t have to say it back or anything, I swear.  I just…I just wanted you to know."

    Spencer flung herself into Ashley’s arm as the tears began to fall.

    "Ashley, you have it all wrong!  I love you so much!  So much and it scares me to death… but today….today, that moment just now….my mom….ugh." she sighed in defeat. She couldn’t tell her, not like this anyway.

    "Spencer, what’s wrong?  I love you, and you just told me that you feel the same way!  What could be so sad now?" She has no idea….she deserves to know though…Ashley held Spencer close to her while the younger girl cried.

    Spencer took a deep breath and sighed.

    "My mom won’t let me see you anymore." She managed to get out between sobs.

    "Wh-what? Why? Spencer she can’t do this to you. To us. Not now, she….she just can’t!" Ashley cried out. "It isn’t fair!"
    She pulled the blonde even closer to her as her own tears started to fall.


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