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    I Think About You In The Summertime – (Chapter: 1: Blind Sided)

    She was a beautiful girl, but oh so broken.

      I will never forget that unbelievable summer we spent together. I was staying at our beach house in Ocean City, Maryland. After my father had passed I needed to make a get away. I needed some time to myself to muster up any hope I had left for what was to come. So I figured 2,000 miles on the opposite end of the country would do.

    My name is Ashley Davies and that summer of 2008 I found my world completely topsy turvey. Spencer Marie Carlin… even the mention of her name gave me butterflies. She helped me grow as a person, in my mind, soul, and body. I gave her everything I had and whole heartedly gave myself up to her, and now I’m going to share with you our story…

    I remember seeing her at a distance. I did a double take as I scanned the many people on the boardwalk. Her blonde hair was blowing in the wind, her eyes an ice blue full of disappointment and regret. She was wearing a teal tank top, with jean shorts so tight I caught myself wondering how she got into them. I was sitting on a bench alone, I had nothing better to do. I couldn’t look away from this girl, she was so intriguing it was fascinating how little I knew about her, and how badly I wanted to explore her. She was with her family it looked like, her mom, dad, and brother I was guessing. As quickly as she appeared, she disappeared twice as fast. I stood up and looked around trying to catch a glimpse as to where she went but I had no such luck. 

     I looked at my cell phone and sighed and made my way back to 16th street where our beach house resided. You could say that I’m wealthy, but that would be an understatement. My rock star dad passed away leaving me with millions, and even before that my mother and I were reaping all the benefits of his stardom. As I reached the house I unlocked the door to the house tossed my keys onto the coffee table and immediately my mind raced back to this mystery girl. But, why did she matter? After all how many girls have I been with? A lot. And how many have I actually felt any feelings for? None. What was so special about her?

    After I changed and got ready for bed I made my way into my room to turn out the light and get some sleep. As soon as I looked up and out the window my heart began to flutter. It was her, that girl from the boardwalk. I ducked below the window, I couldn’t let her see me staring at her. That would just be straight up creepy, so instead I maneuvered my way under and around the window until I was safely in bed pondering how exactly I would meet this gorgeous girl… 







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